The supreme court just opened up the door to bring further discrimination redefining sex from male and female to sexual orientation.
Here are some possibility's we will have to deal with as individuals start demanding more special rights and accommodations for their mental disorders.
Sexual orientation can be just about anything you want it to be.
Marry and fuck your car, giving them tax breaks like they are a regular person
Marry and fuck animals, giving them tax breaks like they are a regular person
Marry and fuck children, giving them rights free from prosecution.
Marry and fuck trees, giving them tax breaks like they are a regular person
Marry and fuck sex dolls, giving them tax breaks like they are a regular person
Marry and fuck an inanimate object, giving them tax breaks like they are a regular person
Business owners and corporations will be required to financially accommodate people who have these behaviors.
In the end the tax payer have to pays for their behaviors, and mental disorders.
The real question is, How can we opt out?