billy sitting in the same hand and foot position in the 5 presidents and gag photo
so if pedosta is a rottenckenfeller wut lineage are the udder BLM WHITEYS in the back row?
billy sitting in the same hand and foot position in the 5 presidents and gag photo
so if pedosta is a rottenckenfeller wut lineage are the udder BLM WHITEYS in the back row?
yup, and the cop holding him its not even one of the cops charged right know
pedosgatesta rockenfucker is using his old brown wave hate and racism tactics – blm playing out. THARS A WALL ON THE BORDER DUMAS
WORKING that out with the chAZ leader right know – _++ purty sho he's the highest ranking anon
really - these greaks are never good at business – their set up not to fail and rail against everyone, especially whitey MINORITIES which is their priority
moar peaceful protestors organizing npillagaing ravaging and raping activities
life must be hard behind the green curtain over at the chit zone, huh?
demonrats never mind making up shit and defending it with riots and lawsuits claiming juh discrimination and voter suppression
are people going to suffer this oppression