>>9623489 (LB)
>>9623813 (LB)
>>9623891 (LB)
Here. Essential reading.
Unrestricted Warfare
Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui
(Beijing: PLA Literature and Arts Publishing House, February 1999)
Today, with information technology welding the entire world together into a network, the number of factors involved in a war is much, much greater than in past wars. The ability of these factors to cloud the issues of war, and their intense influence on war, means that loss of control over any one link can be like the proverbial loss of a horseshoe nail which led to the loss of an entire war. [14] So, faced with modern warfare and its bursts of new technology, new measures,and new arenas, adjustment and control of the entire process is becoming more and more of a skill. It is not a kind of technology.
What is needed to grasp the ever-changing battlefield situation is greater use of intuition, rather than mathematical deduction. More important than constant changes in force dispositions and continual updating of weapons is the whole set ofcombat rules which are the result of the shift of the battlefield to non-military spheres. The outcome of all this is that one will be sent to an unexplored battlefield to wage an unfamiliar war against an unknown enemy. Nevertheless, one must adjust and control this entire unfamiliar process if he is to win.