Devil counterfeit religions are all the same, you say. Stealing concepts from the bible, and twisting them, you say.
List of names of people who never hurt people, please.
Devil counterfeit religions are all the same, you say. Stealing concepts from the bible, and twisting them, you say.
List of names of people who never hurt people, please.
Jesus created the world they live on.
Satan's lies are deep.
Look how badly you're deceived.
Yes, Nebuchadnezzar wrote a chapter that is in Daniel.
All authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit of God.
All 40 of them, all 66 books, over 1500 years.
Divine collaboration for the only holy texts on the planet.
Yeah, it's always "now", and nothing changes. Still dark, still on fire, still alive.
Neither men nor angels make a thing holy, and the bible is the only prophetic book on earth, telling the story of the world from creation to fall to redemption to savior to new creation to renewal to destruction, and then into eternity.
we'll know it's legit when the "so what" chorus starts
The Holy Spirit inspired each word, each letter.
The Holy Spirit maintained each word, each letter.
The Holy Spirit compiled each word, each letter.
The Holy Spirit teaches each word, each letter.
You are the product of listening to men and angels.
It's time you met your Maker.
Not even the first post, shill.
Easy Brian