>I don't get spam calls because I'm registered with the do not call list
That's horseshit and we both know it.
>I don't get spam calls because I'm registered with the do not call list
That's horseshit and we both know it.
Wrong again, homo.
I retired at 37y/o, my house is paid for, my wife is fit and trim, my stomach is full and so is my bank account.
Nope, I'm just as fit and trim as she.
She cooks a 500 calorie meal, we eat, we fuck 1000 calories away.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Gonna tell your mommy?
If I have to find God, does that mean he's hiding?
KYS again, you fucking homo.
Says the assclown running around telling his mommy that someone on the Internet called him names.
<Found a pic of you.
Lick this stamp and you can talk with all of them!