In fact, the biggest race riot in American history before last month was not against the cops, but against other civilians – namely, the Jews. These riots happened in Crown Heights after a Jew ran down a black child with his car and fled to Israel to avoid prosecution.
The traditional black attitude to people who end up getting killed by the police is that they shouldn’t have done whatever they did to end up in a situation where they were dealing with the police, i.e., “man, that nigga ain’t shoulda done that shit he did.” Conversely, they would likely understand that the whatever the black who was killed did was done knowing the risk, i.e., “man, that nigga knew the shit he was gettin he ass into.”
These blacks right now turning against the police in the way they are turning against the police have been agitated. This is not their natural response.
I am not defending the blacks by saying this. They are extremely violent people, as a result of biology. In particular, their IQs are 20 points lower than whites on average, which is a massive gap. Moreover, they have 20% higher testosterone than whites, which leads both to the violent crime and to their aptitude for sports.
What I am doing is saying that someone else is responsible for this situation, namely Jews and white women. They have poked and prodded these blacks and sold them a dumb fantasy about how cops are killing them out of skin hatred. Then, instead of squashing the riots using the cops, city governments run by Jews and white women have prevented the police from intervening.
Basically, they want people to blame the blacks for this instead of the people responsible. Blacks are simply being used as a weapon. George Lincoln Rockwell said this more than 50 years ago: “the blacks are being used by the Jews as a battering ram against White America.” And that’s what’s up now.
Furthermore, blacks have no understanding of political correctness, and don’t care. That doesn't mean that the average black cares about “white racism.” Basically, blacks as a rule don’t really like white people, so they don’t expect that white people like them, and meeting on a shared understanding of that is much more preferable to the blacks than meeting on the grounds of “oh my God I’m so, so sorry for your suffering.”
What blacks especially hate is Jews, who come at them with this “I understand your pain” line. They tend to just want to smash those people up.
The liaisons between the Jews and the blacks are educated, frizzy-haired mulatto females. These are kind of “daywalkers” in that they can theoretically communicate between both whites and blacks, both because they are mixed and they are female. I saw this one, Ysanel Torres, in an article about the movement, and she is actually the ideal form of this.
They all look like her. Proud of their frizzy hair, but also into edgy white fashion, like the nose ring. She is also an artist.
These women are typically lesbians (with white lovers) or date white or Jewish soy-males. They don’t really want anything to do with black people, and are in some ways ashamed of their black half. Much of their promotion of race war probably has to do with a desire to justify the shame they have in being like the rioting savages in the street.
However, the standard blacks will be attracted to these women, in a way they are not really attracted to white women, and will listen to them. They are key to the organization of this entire agenda.
This isn’t anything new. In every place with colonialism, whites have had sex with the local women and created a class of mulattoes to serve in this liaison role. When Haiti had its revolution, they killed the mulattoes right along with the whites (at least the mulatto men, I tend to doubt they killed the women, who are obviously considered to be more attractive than their own women).
You can see the frizzy hair in this image from the Haitian revolution.
What’s more, the full-black women are playing a big role in this. It was black women who humiliated the Jewish Governor of Minneapolis by demanding an end to the police.
It is a very structured system, where this agenda moves from the Jews to the masses of rioting blacks, who again, never would have thought of this. Slave revolts were extremely rare, and Haiti was the only place where blacks rose up to overthrow a white minority, and that was literally only because Toussaint Louverture was exceptionally intelligent and exceptionally impudent. He was also a Jacobin, which is basically a proto-Antifa.