The Governors are actually killing people and using Covid-19 as a murder weapon…and everyone sees it but no one wants to do anything about it….I can't for the life of me understand why….but….but….but a Black Nigger Porn Thug gets snuffed out and OMFG…we have to riot over that….I swear I somethings wish a nuke would hit those Democrat Governors House…but only their house..such a nice dream..
4 live streams all facebook of Louisville, KY.
==Do you honestly think Trump or the Elites/Governors/Mayors are worried about what is happening……HELL NO!!!…they have their own protection…their protection WORKS…the rest of us (peasants, lowly
deplorables, scum of the earth…get no protection…none…zilch!!…==
Do you honestly think Trump or the Elites/Governors/Mayors are worried about what is happening……HELL NO!!!…they have their own protection…their protection WORKS…the rest of us (peasants, lowly deplorables, scum of the earth…get no protection…none…zilch!!…
2nd try
You bet your ass I'm a little scared…if you're not you either a big fucking liar or you are one of those Elites with protection.
no…but I am 60 years old and since they banned Hydro in Nursing centers and some Hospitals….that bothers me a lot.
scared of that too…I've never shot and killed anyone….don't really want to…but will if I have to protect my family…but if it comes to that would prove my point wouldn't it… would mean they are knocking on my door ready to burn it down and no police are stopping them…
In my state the Governor banned it…I have the infection and they would not prescrib it to me…they said it was against the law…I told them it wasn't a law…they said they are prevented from prescribing to anyone…
I'm watching Louisville…the Protesters(Rioters) (mostly Black) are pairing off with the cops…they are NOT Protesting…I know what squaring off looks like. taunting them..daring them to do something, and when they do…it's ooohh…you hurt me I didn't do anything…it's sickening.