First application was signed by:
James B Comey
John F Kerry
Andrew McCabe
Anthony Blinken
John Brennan
Ash Carter
James Clapper
Susan Rice
Stephanie O'Sullivan
First application was signed by:
James B Comey
John F Kerry
Andrew McCabe
Anthony Blinken
John Brennan
Ash Carter
James Clapper
Susan Rice
Stephanie O'Sullivan
Vampires are energy thieves, people who live off making you feel like shit.
In psychology this is referred to as "Borderline Personality Disorder".
Blood symbolizes life force - in this context.
I don't believe this guy is CIA.
Way too stupid to receive a USB drive in this day and age. If you're that dumb you deserve to get caught.
Internet works in Russia so easy to transmit stuff out of there.
The only reason why you'd want to receive a drive in person is to get caught.