wht if this is best the enemy has…
or not much better than this anyway…
not enough to mob-ocracy ''we the people'
they have lies and a means (meaningly media) to ''SHOUT" loudly and spread the lies…
"w ethe peopel " have really only one thing…the willingness to try be decent humans…
wilklingness to try not hurt another..hope in another…help another.speak truly..seek not mislead…
and when a decent human does find they have done these things they seek correct..theri conscience is stirred…
so this the enemy uses against "we the people" our conscience …our own heart they seek use against us…
here i s"we th epeople " caslling..ris eabove this believe in wht stirs in our own hearts..liv ethis truth..and in this we unite..without even knowing each other
"we the people"