Agree with you. I have never managed to displace from my mind the distinct possibility that this is all an elaborate bluff.
Would you like it better if someone else told you to fuck off? Me, for example?
Go on then: you fuck right off, and pronto.
Feel any better?
The October Surprise will be that there are fewer than 100 million Americans dead
>every single person alive today has an ancestor who was a slave. and every single person alive has an ancestor who owned a slave
You can’t prove that either of those highly generalized assertions are valid, so why undermine your other arguments?
There were UN troops on US territory in the latter part of Obongo’s P. There were also fighters from ISIS and al Shabab flown into Mexico and brought over the border. There is also the MB/Gülen network, and likely others. Why do so many want to keep US troops everywhere but on home soil.
We can’t be confident that all (or indeed any) of those groups has been completely removed. If we have Generals in open sedition, we have DOD elements capable of hiding and supplying sleepers until needed.
This has been the set up for a neo-Gladio situation, except that these groups are imports rather than leave behinds.
The most disturbing realization for me during this whole time is that the armed forces are likely compromised more than I’d allowed for. That raises the risks substantially.
At this point I am willing to trust no one on anyone’s say so. I’m also unwilling to accept that even those on side are necessarily able to achieve what they might desire to achieve. Such an assessment is proving very uncomfortable indeed, but I’m done with platitudes.
You did not present them as probabilistic statements.
There were reports of “Slavic” UN troops in Wyoming/Montana. I always wondered whether these might have been Ukranian: not regular forces, but paramilitaries like the Azov Battalion dressed up in official uniforms. Who knows?
There are so many military bases and secret installations around the US that initially hiding troops would hardly present difficulties. Keeping them hidden and supplied for a few years is more challenging, but money is never the object when the DOD is concerned. And secrecy seems rather impenetrable when few know the facts, and silence is maintained through money and fear.