Anonymous ID: 18c622 June 16, 2020, 3:08 a.m. No.9631043   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1460



The court system is first and foremost intended to be a neutral arbiter of the law.


They have just engaged in political activism.


They have now "practiced law from the bench" and created law which is supposed to be the job of Congress i.e. "Elected Officials" accountable to "The People of These United States"


In essence, and under color of law, they have elevated one group of people over another. This is not only bad law making policy, it is detrimental to the ordered and reasoned operation of any society, and can only lead to chaos regarding freedom and liberty.


So, this leads me to two crucial points;


  1. They have now invalidated themselves as a trustworthy and reputable institution, and firmly placed themselves on the chopping block.


  1. Now that they are decidedly "Political Activists" why should anyone, EVER, give consideration to their OPINIONS or obey THEIR laws EVER AGAIN.


Further Notice:


To any political hack, RINO, liberal democrat, Communists, Marxist, or Socialist who seeks to destroy America, Please remember this country has a population of 350 Million Plus citizens, and there are 300 Million + guns in private citizens hands and growing by the day.


So, Please keep pushing, and see where that leads us.