Anonymous ID: 62789e June 16, 2020, 4:53 a.m. No.9631464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1480 >>1506

If you were a foreign nation and planned the long-game destruction of a free country that was your clandestine enemy and the steps in that plan were the following…:


  • Stack the states and municipalities with traitorous governors, mayors through bribery and extortion.

  • Stack loyal traitors into 90% of the media news ecosystem through bribery and extortion.

  • Stack loyal traitors into one political party's House and Senate through bribery and extortion.

  • Flood the country with refugees and illegal immigrants.

  • Massive media campaign to drive wedges between your country and your allies.

  • Massive 24/7 media campaign to vilify one political party.

  • Massive media campaign to vilify any adversity to POC.

  • Massive media campaign to vilify the history of that country.

  • Massive media campaign to vilify the native race of that country.

  • Massive media campaign to convert terms of patriotism into pejoratives.

  • Massive media campaign against a nationalist president.

  • Massive 24/7 media campaign to turn every group of human being against every other group (man vs woman, straight vs gay, atheist vs theist, pro-life vs pro-abortionists, POC vs white, citizen vs police…).

  • Massive media fear campaign to scare the country into not procreating, not socializing and to not patronize local establishments.

  • Massive media fear campaign to never stop wearing a face covering.

  • Massive media campaign to glorify a single case of white on black police violence - something that happens so infrequently that you can't even remember the last time it happened in the country.

  • Massive nation-wide campaign involving all traitors in the media, congress, the senate, governors, mayors and municipalities to de-fund and disband police forces across the country.

  • Coordination of domestic terrorist groups with corrupted municipalities to take over pockets of cities and declare them autonomous zones…


…what would your next step(s) would be?

Anonymous ID: 62789e June 16, 2020, 4:59 a.m. No.9631498   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Do you think that foreign nation would simply "try again" in the same fashion based on the aggressive blitz of destruction occurring right now, or would the step up the campaign…and how would they do it?