Anonymous ID: f8ca2e June 16, 2020, 1:57 a.m. No.9630777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0780 >>0784 >>0829 >>0833 >>0846 >>1310 >>1330 >>1332 >>1342 >>1347

Here is something to think about.


The stupid muh joo shills and race baiters are here all day every day spewing their bs and people take it for whatever it's worth to them I guess, but I think most people miss the more subtle game they are playing.


The cabal is trying to divide us. The cabal is trying to start race wars etc. What needs to happen for that? What must peoples thinking be like?


Look at how the shills repeat the same shit every day. It's not so much WHAT they say, although that is probably part of it, but it's the influence it has on your thinking. Notice how they always say, "It's THE Jews," not, "this Jew or some Jews," they aren't specific. Seeing it time after time most people regardless of what their personal take on the information is, will sooner or later sort of absorb that kind of thinking. What that does is make us more susceptible to thinking that ALL blacks are bad, or all whites are bad or whoever are all bad based on the actions of a few.


Now, combine that with the things they have their agitators create and people will tend to think that way without even realizing it, sort of a defense mechanism is triggered. It plays right into their hands.


It's basically a psyop and a very subtle one.

Anonymous ID: f8ca2e June 16, 2020, 2:02 a.m. No.9630798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1081


I am not saying that there aren't any Jews involved. I'm saying that lots of people are involved not just Jews. Why don't you focus on the Catholics? The Baptists? Etc, etc?


Go after individuals because of their actions, not because of some other random category you feel like using.