>baker girls, even if not naked, make it difficult for us wagefags to watch these threads at work.
Stop going on 8chan at work…you've got to be shilling, no one is that stupid…wait..wut?
>Our profession is under attack anon.
You're profession is one of the most corrupt vile and death causing professions in the entire country. Never lived until you've heard an entire room of cardiologists talk about how they can make more money.
American medicine SUCKS. Trauma, they sure excel at trauma..all those amazing skills learned from war and putting our soldiers back together again. But there aren't any doctors living who can make a diagnosis based on experience and knowledge anymore. See a doctor, tell it what's wrong, get sent for thousands in tests because doctor is a literal tard. One need only watch Monsters Inside Me to know that.
>bitcoin is a example
Crypto is gonna be useless when the power goes out. You can always claim to be a billionaire…of air.