SwedAnon chiming in, about POLICE
Most Swedish people know nothing about American police. But those who do, are utterly envious of how it works over there. I mean, in America, you could call the police to help when you have a serious dispute with a neighbor, and they would show up. In America, a repo-man could call the police to escort him where it's necessary, and they would show up. In America, you could call the police, and they would actually come to you as soon as they could.
In Sweden, all of the above is unheard of. Nobody even thinks about the police in terms of being there to serve and protect. Several friends have had burglaries in the night, called the police, they simply do not show up because it's unnecessary. I had a break-in in my car, I had information about the people who did it and what kind of car they drove. When I reported it, it was directly dismissed as "un-resolvable". This is how it works most of the time here. We do not have "stand-your-ground"-laws as you do in the US either, so people are afraid to protect their own property because so many have been convicted based on hurting thieves caught in the act. Practically, we don't have any police, only in the situations it serves the powers-that-be, and that is who the police serve and protect here.
Maybe I romanticize about American police, but even if I do, it is not even close to the dysfunctionality that we have here.
Just to give a bit perspective…