Don't know if you remember, but there were other nationalities coming in from south America as well.
Those caravans were just a cover for infiltrating, yes, Soros paid for it, but China used it to their advantage, that's one of the MAIN reasons I believe that Soros, Russia, and China are working hand-in-hand to destroy the US.
Trump's campaing DID get a call from a Russian claiming to have dirt on Hillary. So Russia played the part of look here, while Soros created a 'don't look here' situation on our border, which allowed China to get ops into this country with them.
Then when attention was turned towards caravans, all those flown into Belize were soldiers creating problems at the southern border of Mexico, training the people that left south America on how to create problems, and those soldiers left the caravans and slipped in through tunnels being dug under our borders.
Now those CCP ops are creating autonomous zones within our major cities.
Those zones will be foot-holds for regular CCP troops before too much longer.
The UN wants this to happen, and they won't have to lift a finger, and the rest of the world will think that the UN has clean hands of all this and come out on top of it all smelling like roses.