Anonymous ID: f91260 June 16, 2020, 5:15 a.m. No.9631598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1668 >>1686


pieces for what? sorry, i've been losing faith, it looks more and more like the cabal and soros are lining up for their final victory. they have color revolutions going on in every first world country. the silent majority is still silent. this is bolshevism all over again, a tiny group of evil power hungry monsters and their useful idiots is about to break the back of the majority of the population, the good hard working honest people, who just won't stand up for any form of common sense because they're too afraid of getting called a rayciss. they arent even entirely wrong, people are losing their careers for saying all human lives have equal value. so sorry for raining on your parade, but boom isn't happening, we're about to get cultural revolutioned and have to suck cabal cock with the boot on our neck while we watch everything good in the world crumble. and all you trust the planners ain't helping.

Anonymous ID: f91260 June 16, 2020, 5:42 a.m. No.9631749   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1761 >>1821 >>1909



so it's literally nothing more than a religion to you people now. understandable, it just shows you see the writing on the wall as well, and even though your conscious mind can't admit it, you're showing it by revealing that the only thing you can do at this point is trust and pray that some nebulous group of mythical good guys has this all planned out and is going to save us all.