Anonymous ID: 07745c June 16, 2020, 7:44 a.m. No.9632654   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2723



looks out my window


Sun shining.

Birds singing.

Happy, peaceful, prosperous community.


Who cares if some liberal shit hole is tearing itself apart?

Only thing that's changed is they've contained themselves behind a fence now.

I hope they build their socialist utopia so we can all watch it collapse and remember how shitty communism is.


Never been to Seattle.

Will probably never go to Seattle.


I know you're just trying to sow the seeds of doubt here…

But your reality only exists on CNN.


Turn off the TV and the world is a wonderful place.

Anonymous ID: 07745c June 16, 2020, 8:08 a.m. No.9632899   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2908 >>2937 >>2956



What are you talking about?… you depressed shill.

Give me the name of 1 person who is being held hostage by those Antifa trannys.


No one is surprised that this bs only happens in Blue territories. If you're sick of being surrounded by retards, move to Montana where its comfy.


It's so obvious that you're trying to incite Republicans to take to the streets…

That's your wet dream isn't it?

Man against Man.


You've always operated behind a veil of Chaos.


We're not buying it.

POTUS is in control.

>you elected us to do the heavy lifting…


Everything's going to plan from where I'm sitting.

This needed to happen.

Now the world see's that lefty militants are directly funded by the Dems & soros.