Anonymous ID: 012efb June 16, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.9633376   🗄️.is 🔗kun

for those of you that don't understand because you can't see the events, Russia China and Soros are working together to take down the US, who was it that called the trump campaign and said they had dirt on Hillary? A Russian lawyer. Who was it that wanted to meet with the trump campaign? A Russian layer.

So look here at Russia, Russia, Russia started up. They played their part while Soros was paying people to come up from south America which China had sent personal into Mexico to infiltrate the US using those tunnels under our border.

So keep refusing to put all the events together…your costing america to lose this war.

Antifa is nothing more than collaborators of the enemy.

Russian bombers have been testing our air force to see how well the US will respond.

Keep sitting there following the enemy's wish…staying inactive while they setup these foot holes like Chaz or whatever the fuck they call themselves now.