Anonymous ID: 2370e1 June 16, 2020, 8:37 a.m. No.9633187   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Things could never have gotten this far in chaos IF SECURE[sic]DROP were actually secure?

Q called them out. Said it's clean now?

Why did they call it "SECUREDrop"


and changed it from the original name








moar thoughts on Barlow / background


leader of SecureDrop


a bit off subject of the moment


but may link into Assange, Seth Rich, latest "we are the news" article by anon on the servers - and how they were never examined by anyone outside control of DNC/Clinton


Things could never have gotten this far is SECURE[sic]DROP were actually secure.


"looking into Q posts which mentioned FIREWORKS I got back to the story of




J.P. Barlow


He met with General Clark at Burning Man '13 which was themed "Cargo Cult"


It was covered in a article in the "Daily Mai" of England back in '13


links are over here


Just sayn' Q said to map where the Y head shows up and it showed up in this article


Daily Mail on Burning Man with Barlow and Clark meeting there.


It's a Y head with the sacrificial efficy mascot of Burning Man between the two pillars of the horns


Steve Outtrim has a series which goes into the military / satanic connections around the party on the desert - They called it "autonomous zone!" Did they practice that? FREE zone?

Thinking more about Barlow:

The girlfriend who died? Was a simulation in order to frame him as a really soulful guy, with so much tragedy. To make him more "human" - and to distract from the fact he was banging a bunch of different woman and left his wife. So then the excuse , or cover for his behavior to those who know him can be "Oh he lost his one love" - and that will give the profile of his bio more of a sync with the nobility and high ideals of his writing. All faked?

"those you trust the most"?

I think the gf sudden unexpected "death" on the plane was kafabe. Just coincidence he wasn't on the plane with her?

He wasn't as presented to the internet hipster public in their Press, but Langley needed his persona as a good guy?

I think the "dead girlfriend" was a prank.

It's like sauce on the chicken.

Dressing something up so it's more luscious.

His "life story": fiction? As so many?

Burning man with Clarke and Barlow present together was covered in a ARTICLE in the Daily Mail NEWSPAPER back in '13