Gay and Trans people WERE CREATED BY GOD
And you are the one who is MOCKING God's handiwork.
This is not and never will be a Christian nation as you imagine it because you are a MOCKINGBIRD of Christ
You arrogant sanctimonious Christian bastards are the ones who CREATED the Gay community and the Transgender community
For centuries Gay people lived among us, and nobody was bothered
But then you SATANIST Christians tried to push your brothers and sisters into the outer darkness.
Repent your sins now or you will be part of the 4%-6% who will be lost forever
Burning on the fire of Hell.
Christ told us to Love our neighbor, and whether people proclaim Christ or not, those that follow this commandment will be the people who CREATE a new world for the new millennium of peace.
Rise Up brothers and sisters of the light, love and happiness