Rock Perry ID: 90237c I think that Mr. Trump is a coward. June 16, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.9634809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4819 >>4845 >>4889 >>5152

Trump is too afraid to meet with me face to face.

I want off this ride. I want this to be over and the only way it will happen is if I meet him face to face and tell him this in person.


Standing for Martial Power - Gate Triangle Standing

Teach me how to exit Samsara


The ten toes grip the earth, feet parallel and shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent. The arms come up as if holding a ball; elbows rounded, hands point towards the dantian, (the energy center just below the navel). The “tiger’s mouth” (the arc formed by the thumb and index finger) is open, the chest is slightly concave and the back slightly rounded. The head relaxes forward naturally. The tongue touches the upper palate. The eyes are open but not actively watching. This posture can also be done in a lower stance to strengthen the lower-body.


How do we stop the time reset?

2020 is the final year in the timeline progression stage. We always reset after 2020, how do we progress beyond 2020?

Please tell me how. I was told that in order for me to get out of this soul prison that I have to go face to face with Donald Trump because he is the reason that 2020 is the last year.


Yeah. I'm suppose to say. "I've had enough of your game and I want it to stop. This is the last time I will play. You've not won but you have not lost. You have not beaten me but you have not been beaten."