Nolte: First the Woke Taliban Came for the Confederate Statues…
It’s not about saving Confederate statues. It’s about the rule of law… It’s about what comes next…
Local communities should be allowed to erect or remove whatever statues, monuments, and street names they like. If Seattle wants to erect a statue of Vladimir Lenin (and it does), a cold-blooded murderer and Hitler-like antisemite and tyrant, so be it. What the hell do I care?
If some southern town or city wants to erect a statue of Robert E. Lee or Jefferson Davis or Stonewall Jackson, what the hell do I care?
And if, someday, Seattle or that southern town or city decides to removes those statues — again, what the hell do I care?
Other than the sense of history, I feel no affinity towards the Confederacy. A few decades ago, when the left claimed the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery (this is when the left’s agenda was to deny white Americans fought a war to free the slaves), I was arguing that was ridiculous. Granted, not everyone who fought for the Confederacy fought to protect the abomination of slavery (including Robert E. Lee).
In fact, many who fought for the Confederacy opposed slavery (including Robert E. Lee). But of course the war was fought over slavery. And although the left currently agrees with me on that issue, it only does as a means to justify its rationale to Taliban these statues.
Same with the Confederate flag. If it was up for a vote, I would have voted to remove the Confederate flag from South Carolina’s capitol, and I was glad when then-Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) removed it in 2015. It made no sense to me to fly that flag in the present tense at a state capitol, and an elected official like Haley removing it, someone with the legal power to do so, someone accountable to the voters, means it was removed in the right way.
At the same time, I know the Confederate flag doesn’t mean “bring back slavery” to those who fly it. It means freedom from centralized authority, it means live and let live… I live in the South where I’ve seen more than one black person sporting the Stars and Bars… Hey, is this a great country, or what?
Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant were great men and great Americans. Abraham Lincoln might be the greatest American ( Jefferson Davis was a feckless, self-aggrandizing putz). Rev. Martin Luther King is a hero of mine, but so is Malcolm X, and so is Thomas Jefferson. What can I say? People are complicated. But all these men had one thing in common… They believed in freedom, and they fought for freedom, and while I never would have joined the Confederacy or the Nation of Islam, I’m also not a baby about this stuff.