Anonymous ID: fdaec6 June 16, 2020, 12:05 p.m. No.9635202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5219

Well anons, how do you like your country now? ANTIFA, BLM running the show all over the country. Democrats seriously forcing everyone to talk about abolishing Police Departments. Supposedly conservative justices on the SCOTUS making shit up out of whole clothe. Allowing 2nd Amendment violations to stand. The country's history being rewritten, statutes torn down, major corporations supporting BLM/ANTIFA. NFL, NBA all in lockstep. Fake News getting worse by the day resurrecting the 2nd wave of muh corona.


George Soros having his way where and when he likes not to mention jet'n around the world free as a fucking bird. Economy barely hanging on. A black man makes the conscious decision to assault two Police Officers, steals one of the Officer's taser. Starts to run away, turns and discharges the taser at the Officer pursuing him and the Officer has to pull his service weapon and shoots and kills the suspect as the suspect is still halfway turned towards the Officer while running possibly looking to discharge the taser again. The mayor of Atlanta calls this a murder.


Don't know about you faggots but from where I sit, this thing is over. The forces of these evil leftist are too great, too entrenched, too wide spread. The truth is a lie, a lie the truth. Most of the nation doesn't know their collective asses from a literal hole in the ground as this country is under attack from every quadrant. Elected democrats in congress, the DNC Propaganda Department better known as the Driveby Media, hollywood, academia, madison ave. Debt beyond comprehension. On and on and on. So…………………… this "WINNING"? And guess what? It get worse from here.


Until this movement, these people are stopped, dead in their fucking tracks, literally or otherwise and those involved are held accountable with severe consequences this is the road we are on and we are well down the beat'n path to absolute failure.


President Trump is doing some things that really call into question why. Is allowing chaos, mayhem and anarchy to succeed in major American cities. Falls right in line with the leftist demanded premise that the actions of one rogue Police Officer are the actions of ALL Police Officers who by the way, are literally hunting down black men and killing them for sport while Planned Parenthood aborts more black infants than make up the populations of several countries combined. People don't give a fuck and more astonishingly, blacks don't give a fuck.


So, Patriots Are Now In Control? Lately Q comes here and drops shit that most of us have known for fucking decades. Or a flat attempt to keep the troops motivated. That one fucking shill on here that talks about the scoreboard and that there's nothing but a BIG FAT ZERO on it. Well, he ain't wrong is he? Everyone from Hussein downward who attempted a Coup d' Etat on this President and this country are still waking up every morning in their nice, comfy beds.


Carry On!!!!
