Just wait. It happens sometimes when there's a lot of activity on the boards. I had it happen to me the other day.
Just wait. It happens sometimes when there's a lot of activity on the boards. I had it happen to me the other day.
Good point. Judge Napolitano wrote about this in a book. If our rights are based on God granting them and people lose faith in God, what happens to our rights?
Taking God out of schools and then pushing people away from it socially, removing it from TV shows and movies, was the first step in removing all of our other God-given rights. Liberals have no substitute for God in terms of who would grant rights. In fact, they're not even consistent in who gets rights. Lots of people can gather together if they're liberal, no problem with the virus, it's as if it disappeared. But, if a bunch of conservatives get together, all of a sudden the right to assemble disappears and the virus magically returns.
The COVID symptoms are all over the place. I've read through a bunch of the medical studies that have been done right from the start. They're basically claiming that COVID is everything, yet nothing at all. It has symptoms of decompression syndrome and problems with blood oxygen saturation (or lack thereof) that have nothing to do with physical damage to tissue. Then, they claim that people can get sick and yet not experience any symptoms. They claimed that asymptomatic people could be contagious (a heretofore unheard of situation, as far as I'm concerned, since most things you have to be symptomatic with and spitting off contagious spittle and fluids in order to be contagious). From a medical standpoint, it's a load of horseshit. Even the treatments were bullshit. A Chinese study killed a bunch of people giving them steriods. They even tried to hide this by putting the results in a supplementary appendix for the study rather than putting it in the main text.
I've done medical-related research for years, and I'd say that there are three distinct options here:
There's no COVID, it's just the flu and pneumonia (bacterial) that has been incorrectly diagnosed.
There is COVID but they've made ridiculous claims about the symptoms and basically claimed that a lot of other completely unrelated things are also COVID.
COVID is not infecting the main population, it is a DNA-bound virus that is targeting only a tiny percent of the population based on genetics and is hitting them very, very hard (i.e. the blood oxygenation issues).
Waiting for the moment we can finally get to "all lives matter" because that will gain a lot of traction, I think.