No demons are installed.
SRA and MKUltra are quite different.
SRA conditions a child by means of a lifetime of abuse. But the ego is not shattered. The personas are grown organically and many triggers are incorporated into the rituals.
MKUltra starts with physical and psychological torture by trained military interrogators. The ego is shattered. After that the programming tries to pick up the pieces and collect them into personas.
There are no demons involved at all.
Demons are real spirits that are summoned during a ritual and possess the person. They are not personas. Only those members of an SRA bloodline who are priests do demonic possession. The rest of the bloodline participates in rituals but does not communicate with the demons. It is a question of status and ability. Only the high status speak to the masters, and these people are chosen because they can channel the demons words clearly without distortion.
MKUltra mind slaves are just more sophisticated versions of the golem or zombie. They are worker slaves. In Hollywood sometimes they are used in an artistic prelude to the real ritual, but the never participate. They are high status sheep, but nevertheless they are only sheep.
SRA people do not need so much maintenance as MKUltra. The slaves who have had their mind shattered need regular rehab, or they need to complete their tasks before the programming wears off. It can be a few years between rehabs. Everyone is different.
The suicide triggers are a variation of the amnesia walls that are usually installed between each persona.
Underneath it all the core personality is untouched. It is aware of everything. Memories cannot be erased at all. Only hidden from a persona using an amnesia wall. Nothing blocks a person from true prayer, which is simply communication with God within. Getting in touch with that still small voice within.
If an SRA person ceases to do the regular rituals, their triggers are not exercized and they fade. And then the amnesia walls start to fade. And they can get in touch with God more easily.
For MKUltra, it is more a question of underlying instability of the whole structure because it was done against their will and their mind is shattered. They need competent psychological help on a regular basis to keep going, or everything starts to come apart. Comedians are the worst because they usually have a natural ability to form and switch personas. Robin William became uncontrollable and had to be terminated. With Jim Carey they managed to build a strong artist persona to more or less contain the madness.