Dems trying to rewrite history again:
"Democrat Senator Tim Kaine: “The US Didn’t Inherit Slavery From Anybody. We Created it” (VIDEO)"
Actually, we did "inherit" slavery because it was a worldwide phenomena, which is still going on in the world to this day (in Africa). But, they'd like us to think that we're the only people responsible, that we created slavery and that it didn't exist anywhere else in the world. Bullshit. All of it.
Any Anons think a History campaign of memes might be useful to teach people about the truth of history? We have a few, but how about something more comprehensive? Like a History class in meme form?
Maybe phrase things in question form to open up conversation. @Inevitable_ET (Anon) on Twitter, I think, recommended question asking a while back as better than statements.
E.g. Did you know that slavery still exists?
Did you know that slaves have been kept all throughout the world?
Images with reputable sources (books or something other than Wikipedia) would be good to give viewers a source for further investigation.