It would start at zero and I highly doubt it would be a mod 37 map
also I'd expect at least some divisive factor of 1460 in place of your 234, that doesn't fit a 4yr time frame
It would start at zero and I highly doubt it would be a mod 37 map
also I'd expect at least some divisive factor of 1460 in place of your 234, that doesn't fit a 4yr time frame
>love Hitler.
I love winners
Hitler lost
but I do appreciate a try'er. He tried and for that, I respect the hell out of him!
>Exchange Stabilization Fund
Greatest heist in history that nobody has heard of. US Fed is a front company to the ESF which finances all black operations all around the world.
I head the desk is in the NY Fed in a secret room. Maybe bullshit, but thats the word.
Fuckin CanUCKS!
Fuck off, he's named the jew and talked about his lunatic jew mother more than enough for people to know he's not comped. He's walking a fine line between his passion (philosophy) and his bank account. He deserves respect even though he is a bit of an uppity prick at times.
finite loops are much easier than infinite maths, but at very least the Qmap should start at 0 and have a mod2 since, well, to us Q only exists in a computer.
If you have anything more than a picture of a faggot and some words about some other degenerate shylocks, I"m more than happy to consider molyjew in the same box but he hasn't shy'd away from naming (((them))) at all. In fact his show today was well beyond "normie-tier" naming to the point where I'm sure it will get removed.
>Why do they copypasta every reply?
Because they're caught dead-to-rights.
They're last bastion of hope is to flood people with jew-truths to a degree where everyone is sick of hearing it.
I mean, its a tactic that works, but doesn't make the information any less true.
>has no idea
"According to the Guinness Book of Records, the Thuggees were responsible for approximately two million deaths"
sup nigga!?
I fucked around with your ghidra a bit but it just made me realize I really should have learned C/C++ before Python.
Its fun, though. I'm enjoying the journey and even started a cryptography course. I aint be all smart n sheetz but I wouldn't mind doing forensics for local law enforcement at some point in the future.
Thanks dude/dudess!
>That's not a valid tactic
In psychology, desensitization is a treatment or process that diminishes emotional responsiveness to a negative, aversive or positive stimulus after repeated exposure to it. Desensitization also occurs when an emotional response is repeatedly evoked in situations in which the action tendency that is associated with the emotion proves irrelevant or unnecessary
>Not a valid tactic
fucking idiot
who convinced you that you were smart?
>paints the board as racist
The best thing about the left coining anything and everything as "rayciss" is the complete lack of effect the term carries anymore.
No person on the planet would deny that white populations would be much better off without non-whites. I guess that makes everyone a rayciss!
>You don't know what board you're on.
you just got your ass handed to you and deflected to another topic and tried to revert the conversational topic to the hander of the ass-whooping.
I'm pretty sure we all know exactly what board we're on and exactly who you are. Now we go back and look at all 20 of your posts and know exactly where the agenda lies. Holy shit, jelly of the month club!
The way I learned all this shit was bating you morons in the first post or two of the bread and then reeling you in throughout. I appreciate your years of work and studying, but I don't need to do much but let you do all the work. Thanks.
The obligatory "Support" post by the alter account. "SHOCKED!"
>Vengeful Justice driven Q
That's the only one that I ever knew outside of the "Q" tag. I would have thought it was "Z" but what do I know?
>optics still matter.
I'd try and make an argument that we're at a point where acceleration would be the best avenue, given the current occupation of Seattle and Portland by morning.
Israel is ASSHOLE!
Suddenly playing commie on US Soil isn't so fun anymore.
>"useful idiot"
It's hard to imagine a way out of this without a lot of bloodshed. Energy displacement and all that jazz.
My favorite part of this video is the boons chimp out on a 100k camera while robbing a wendys for some ketchup packets.
Pretty fucked up.
Not something I really want to see anywhere but especially not on the soil my ancestors already fought for.
I blame jews
"They want you divided" means "UNITED AGAINST THEM!" in order for "THEY" to what "US" divided, there must be a "THEM!"
>nigger question.
They've been with us since the beginning. We share a common enemy. Doesn't mean we have to swap spit but tenure should count for something. We just gotta quit it with the gibs and let them understand that we won't be monitoring police conduct so if they fuck up, they probably won't live to bitch and moan about it.
From a historical context, judaism is the most harmful element known to mankind.