Remember when Q said Dems would lose the black vote? I guess it didn't go according to plan lmao.
Lmao I'm not a foreigner. I'm just pointing out the fact that blacks are burning down cities, looting, rioting, and killing whites. They will never vote for Trump because they are all fucking retarded. Biden will win 90% of the black vote easily.
How the fuck is it race baiting to say that blacks are rioting (fact), looting (fact), killing whites (fact), burning cities (fact)??? Blacks have voted 90% Democrat in every election for over 50 years. That's never going to change. You are fucking retarded if you think dumbass niggers will ever vote in favor of limited government and the Constitution. Lmao you must suck black dick or something.
Nigga faggot BLM is terrorizing America and giving Democrats hundreds of millions of dollars to sweep 2020 elections. Blacks will vote against Trump/Kushner in record numbers.
100% of the known traitors have yet to be either arrested or prosecuted. Arresting low level nobody drug users from Antifa does nothing to wake Americans up.