Pink Floyd?
Roger Waters
Off topic info that coincidentally paints the board as racist and dumb. Coincidentally info rel to bds not app for USA
Coincidentally much from mb prop
Nothing to see here only the Jews and Israel are capable of infil
Anons member McMasters dad? What happens when you can't deliver?
90+ autobot has been debunked multiple times over the last 3 years. Lurk moar
Regardless of truths known optics still matter. Not enough Patriots seen fighting for theirs and their neighbors cities
So Israel being a comped state set up by the financial backers of the Nazis means what exactly? That the Jews are behind every pitfall? Ignore everything else. Focus only on one thing. Only Jews are infiltrators. Don't look at China. Don't look at the EU. They were all duped by the rabbis. Flak over open land? Flak over target?
7/4 Independence Day
Only POTUS knows for sure but I'm guessing that the FF are the antifa zones. Don't forget your classic commie descriptor "useful idiot" also PANIC "Patriots are now in control"
Also what benefits would there be to herd all those you hate into a nation you created specifically to mock God? Think day after Israel recognized
Do you member your Bible and mythologies? End of days ff? Will Messiah be born again? Or appear suddenly? What advantage could be gained by convincing Christian nation's they must protect the tribe of David? What did sun tzu say about attacking your enemies strongholds? Israel their castle?
I actually feel bad for them. All their money and tech and can't even do a cursory on how to grow vegetables