Rightly so. All he's doing is spouting American talking points to his base while implementing full mega-corporate and central bank control, coupled with full surveillance state, all supplemented at our expense. If you dont know this is happening, you don't have a fucking clue. Both the scamdemic and BLM were parts of the plan to impart full fucking tyranny. We the People currently have no freedom and no power. If you don't believe that, ask yourself why permanent changes are being made to our way of life for a virus that kills less than 1% of the affected. Look at the money the Fed Reserve has printed in response and look at where it's going. Ask yourself why Eric Schmidt is on the NSA's Board of Innovation. Ask yourself why contract tracing is being developed by Jewgle and Apple. The truth is right in your face if you look. Stop listening to Q's army of shills. Of if you do, start to notice how they can provide nothing but empty promises, supported only by your own emotions and wishful thinking. Time to wake the fuck up.