Think differently.
You are insulin resistant.
You will eventually become so insulin resistant that you will become diabetic.
The key is controlling your insulin.
Sugar/Carbs produce huge insulin spikes, since you're insulin resistant you cannot deal with the sugar in your blood, your insulin packs it on as belly/other fat.
Protein causes modest insulin spikes.
Fat is practically insulin neutral; it will not spike your insulin.
When you spike your insulin, you get hungry/starved/craved, and you eat, upping your insulin, getting hungrier, spiking your insulin more and more and more, your cells cannot take in the sugar/carbs, and they pack belly fat to get the sugar out of your bloodstream.
Key is insulin control.
Do not eat sugar. At all, ever, in any form, again.
Do not eat junk carbs, at all, ever, in any form, again.
Eat Fat and Protein.
Eat in an 8 hour window, not eating anything at all for 16 hours. Give your body a chance to deal. To recover.
How do I know?
Used to be 444.
Now 2 something.
Will be 1 something.
It can be done.
Go to war with your body, fight, and win.