Anonymous ID: 9899da June 17, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.9645856   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Continuing my Kilcher Dig from last bread. It's interesting that Atz Kilcher has a history of social work with troubled children. According to Jewel's book he got a masters degree from Brigham Young University.


My dad decided to pursue academics, and they moved to Utah, where he got his master’s degree in social work at Brigham Young University, becoming the first college graduate in his family. I was born there in 1974 while my dad was attending school. When he graduated, we moved back to Anchorage, where he worked with troubled youth. We lived in an apartment until my dad had the money to build us a larger house. Only a few memories stand out for me. I remember feeling safer by making myself a pallet of blankets by the bedroom door, choosing to sleep there instead of in my bed. I remember a giant rotating Big Boy sign across the street. I remember a small kitchen window where sunlight streamed in. When we moved to a larger house shortly after, I got my own room and was allowed to pick my own carpet—pink shag. My younger brother, Atz Lee, was born in 1976.


I did a dig on Bonnie Dupree from "Alaska the last Frontier" a while back because she gives me a creepy vibe. Anyhow, today she posted a book by an author named Karla McLaren. I dug a little on Karla and found out she grew up in a cult. She co-authored a book about escaping the cult called "Escaping Utopia". I couldn't find out which cult it was but I did find this exerpt from one of her earlier books. She says she trusts in Osiris. Karla's instagram bio says naiad.According to mythology that is a nymph who rules over the water. That reminds me of a Monty Python line.


According to her bio she also is a prison "art" director. What better place to recruit new cult members than in prison?


Karla has taught at such venues as the University of San Francisco, Esalen, Naropa University, Kripalu Center, Hollyhock Learning Centre, and the Association for Humanistic Psychology. Additionally, as a prison arts educator with the William James Foundation, she has utilized singing, drumming, and drama to help men in maximum security prisons explore and heal long-held emotional traumas.,+children+of+god&source=bl&ots=e_OZQTSLd9&sig=ACfU3U2Rei9hDCFi3ztpkzGqmEVUjHX5PA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiyp5OPiYnqAhVBR60KHUO6DIwQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=karla%20mclaren%2C%20children%20of%20god&f=false


Here is a link to Karla Mclaren's business called "Emotional Dynamic LLC". I sounds very similar to the kind of thing the people from NXIVM were pushing, new age self help for business.


This is the yoga guru Bonnie was pushing yesterday, Kia Miller. Notice the statue in the room, I believe we did a dig on that one also. Seems like they used it in the CERN ceremony.