Anonymous ID: 9f8839 June 17, 2020, 10:42 a.m. No.9645876   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dirty ‘private investigators’ in northwest Florida area

Someone I know says:

Some of these wacko ‘private investigator’ people around here will illegally stick a gps on your car and follow you in a ghetto car with tinted windows to frighten and harass you. That they will break into your car and wire in a camera and microphone to watch you. That they will sometimes hire hackers out of Jalisco, Mexico to hack into your phone. That they will sit outside the doctors office and watch you do your physical therapy and video tape it then make comments when you walk by. That they will use ‘gaslighting’ and psychological techniques to hurt your mental stability. That they will get people to continually ask you “are you alright?” so they can trick you into dismissing what’s really going on. That they will buy a small debt you owe from a creditor just so they can harass you and will drive down your credit with multiple credit filings to add further financial pressure. That they will speed across from the other side of the parking lot and then stop inches away from you when you are walking across to the store to try and make you run so they can video tape it. That they will tailgate and shine their brights on you when you are driving. That they will shine lasers at you in your home or when you are driving. That they will use imsi catchers to illegally intercept your phone calls and text messages. That they will swerve in front of you and try to cause you to get in accident with someone else so their employer is off the hook for your injuries.

Someone I know said these things are unbelievable to have happened to them but is indeed true.