Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.9646288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6378 >>7048 >>7267

NORAD Jets Scrambled In 8th Russian Bomber Intercept Off Alaska This Year


At a moment "World War 3" happens to be trending on Twitter, there's been another major US-Russian 'intercept' incident of Alaska's coast.


For those keeping count, Tuesday's night's intercept involving NORAD F-22 Raptors and others including KC-135 Stratotankers and US surveillance aircraft marks the eighth such incident involving Russian planes coming close to North American airspace this year alone.


It also marks the fourth wave of Russian bombers making an approach near Alaska in a mere week.


“NORAD F-22 Raptors, supported by KC-135 Stratotankers and an E-3 Airborne Warning and Control System, successfully completed two intercepts of Russian bomber aircraft formations entering the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone last night,” the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said in a tweet.


Like a similar incident a week ago involving two waves of four Russian aircraft each, including long-range Tu-95 nuclear-capable bombers, this latest intercept involved a significant group of multiple aircraft, among them Su-35 fighter jets and a Russian surveillance plane.


“For the eighth time this year, Russian military aircraft have penetrated our Canadian or Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zones and each and every time NORAD forces were ready to meet this challenge,” NORAD Commander General Terrence J. O’Shaugh said in a statement.


The Russian warplanes reportedly stayed in international airspace, but came within just over 30 miles of US territory, according to reports.


The tense encounters are becoming more frequent of late, not only over the Bering Sea, but over the Mediterranean, Baltic, and Black Sea regions as well.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.9646301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6333

Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook’s Goal Is to Register 4 Million Voters



Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg penned an op-ed for USA Today this week in which he announced this his company is implementing strategies that will educate Americans on the importance of voting this November. The company’s goal is to register four million new voters for the 2020 election. Zuckerberg also stated that Facebook may censor posts from politicians that violate community guidelines.


Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg penned an op-ed in USA Today that was published this week in which he explained the various ways in which Facebook plans to “strengthen democracy” ahead of the November elections.


Zuckerberg specifically noted that Facebook will encourage users to register to vote. The company has set a goal of 4 million new voters registered for the 2020 election. Various election-focused resources will be available to users at the top of the Facebook News Feed until voting occurs in November.


To achieve this, we’re creating a new Voting Information Center with authoritative information, including how and when to vote, as well as details about voter registration, voting by mail and information about early voting. We’ll also include posts from state election officials and verified local election authorities. We’ll show this center at the top of the Facebook News Feed and on Instagram to make sure everyone gets a chance to see it.


Zuckerberg wrote that Facebook will begin to hold politicians accountable for certain content that they share on the platform. Zuckerberg suggested that he is sympathetic to requests to censor politicians that violate community guidelines.


Everyone wants to see politicians held accountable for what they say — and I know many people want us to moderate and remove more of their content. We have rules against speech that will cause imminent physical harm or suppress voting, and no one is exempt from them. But accountability only works if we can see what those seeking our votes are saying, even if we viscerally dislike what they say.


Zuckerberg also noted that Facebook will introduce a feature that will allow users to block political advertisements from their feed.


By giving people a voice, registering and turning out voters, and preventing interference, I believe Facebook is supporting and strengthening our democracy in 2020 and beyond. And for those of you who’ve already made up your minds and just want the election to be over, we hear you — so we’re also introducing the ability to turn off seeing political ads. We’ll still remind you to vote.


Breitbart News reported this week that Basecamp CTO David Heinemeier Hansson argued recently that tech giants like Google and Facebook have too much control over the internet.


Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more updates on this story.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.9646323   🗄️.is 🔗kun

At least 3,000 children fell victim to sex abuse at hands of French Catholic Church


The president of a commission set up to investigate child abuse in the French Catholic Church has revealed that at least 3,000 children have fallen victim to sex abuse by clergy and other church officials.


France’s Catholic bishops set up the independent commission in 2018 to shed light on sexual abuse committed by French clerics after a number of scandals shook the Church in the country.


Its president, Jean-Marc Sauve, said on Wednesday that preliminary figures indicated that some 1,500 clergy and other church officials carried out the abuse over the course of several decades.


The commission, which is made up of 22 legal professionals, doctors, historians, sociologists and theologians, is due to deliver its conclusions by the end of the year.


In March, a French priest was jailed for five years for sexually abusing dozens of children in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.


During his trial, 74-year-old Bernard Preynat admitted to abusing boy scouts while he was a scout leader in Lyon, telling the court that he had not understood how serious his crimes were.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.9646354   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Foreign Interference: UK Govt-Linked Group Attempts to Ban Conservative Websites from Google Ads


A group with direct links to the government of the United Kingdom and to senior members of the UK Labour Party has taken credit for having websites ZeroHedge and The Federalist threatened with suspension of service by Google ads.


Research conducted by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), a UK “anti-hate” non-profit, is stated to be behind the bans, according to NBC which reported that The Federalist had been banned by tech giant Google after the “NBC News Verification Unit” brought the CCDH research to their attention.


The original NBC story was in error and was later corrected to state that The Federalist has not yet been blacklisted by Google, but has been warned of imminent suspension from Google Ads due to policy violations in its comments section. ZeroHedge is working with Google to resolve its blacklisting, which was for similar reasons.


NBC spoke to CCDH’s CEO Imran Ahmed who said his group has been targetting companies which have expressed support for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, asking them to suspend advertising to websites that oppose the BLM agenda.


“We found that lots of those companies are inadvertently funding through their advertising content that is outright racist in defense of white supremacism and contains conspiracy theories about George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement,” he stated.


Websites targeted by CCDH’s “Defund Racism” campaign include Breitbart News, World Net Daily, The Gateway Pundit, American Thinker, American Greatness, and The Federalist — which is incorrectly marked on the organisation’s website as “defunded”, even though Google says it has not yet pulled ads from the site.


CCDH’s website smears Breitbart News with the false claim that the site pushed the theory that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. As “evidence”, the organisation cites a story that explicitly rejects the theory.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.9646394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6418 >>6984

African kente cloths worn by Democrats in political stunt have roots in African slave trade




House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and other top Democratic leaders marched into the U.S. Capitol Visitor's Center last week and knelt for eight minutes and 46 seconds, the same amount of time that fired Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin kneeled on George Floyd's neck.


But it was what the congressional Democrats wore — traditional West African kente cloths — that made headlines. In fact, they were harshly criticized for what came across as mere pandering.


As it turns out, those kente cloths have roots in the African slave trade, according to a USA Today fact check.


The day following the political stunt, Facebook user Dave Brandon claimed, in a post that received thousands of shares, that the scarves are connected to African slave traders.


Brandon wrote:


So check this out, Kente cloth was worn by the Ashanti. It's made of silk so the affluent wore it. The Ashanti were also known as slave owners and traders. Huh? The Ashanti's long-time ally, the Akwamu, were among the first ones to profit from the slave trade with the Europeans. Their captives were almost always prisoners of war, but they were not above to selling Akwamu men who offended the chief. They also kidnapped able-bodied men from other tribes and sold them in the coastal slave markets.


According to USA Today's fact check, Brandon is correct.


The kente cloth comes from "the Asante, or Ashanti, peoples of Ghana and Ewe peoples of Ghana and Togo," according to USA Today. Asantehene Osei Tutu, the first ruler of the Asante Kingdom, adopted the scarf as a royal symbol, the fact check explained.


From USA Today:


Tutu, who lived from 1660 to 1712 or 1717, unified several small Asante kingdoms to create the Asante empire. He is credited with expanding the Asante throughout most of Ghana and introducing his subjects to the gold and slave trades along the West African coast.


The Asante supplied British and Dutch traders with slaves in exchange for firearms, which they used to expand their empire. Slaves were often acquired as tributes from smaller states or captured during war. Some slaves were brought across the Atlantic whiles others stayed in Africa to work in gold fields.


By the end of the 18th century, the region was exporting between 6,000 and 7,000 African slaves per year, according to the BBC.


However, in modern times, the kente cloth has become a symbol of African pride and is traditionally worn during special occasions.


Diana Baird N'Diyea, cultural specialist and senior curator at the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, told USA Today she places the significance of the Kente in the people who craft them — not the scarf's origins.


"My way of thinking about it is that it honors the creativity, the ingenuity, the skill of the people who actually make the kente," she said.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.9646419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6476

‘We need revolution, we’re having it’: Americans are rising up against ‘oppressive cult’ they live under, Rose McGowan tells RT


The lingering US protests aren’t just about violence, as they are sometimes painted in the media, they are an uprising against the “cult-like” system of repression and class divides, MeToo icon Rose McGowan has told RT.


Sparked by the death in Minnesota of George Floyd while in police custody, the popular rage was first directed at police violence, but then evolved into major anti-racism and anti-establishment sentiment. Americans have been living “in a class structure and a repressive system that operates exactly like a cult,” Rose McGowan told RT’s Going Underground show.


It does “a huge disservice to the American public” and “really needs to be smashed, so it’s what’s happening right now in America,” she offered.


We need a revolution, we’re having a revolution.


"How many hopes and prayers can actually stop this? None,” McGowan said, “If nobody is listening, if the cult leaders aren’t listening, you have to make them listen.”


Once a proud Democrat, McGowan made headlines this spring when she tweeted her disappointment over American partisanship, saying there’s not much difference between the elites belonging to both political camps.


She reiterated this frustration – that came on the heels of the Joe Biden sex assault allegations – on the RT program, insisting that “the cult leaders of America,” whether it’s Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Barack Obama, are “all the same under that cult-like structure.”


The actress and catalyst of the MeToo movement unloaded on the Democratic Party once again, accusing them of attempting to hijack the running anti-racism protest movement. “Democrats co-opt everything, it’s pretty much their thing,” she noted.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.9646446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FIREWALL: Group Launches Nationwide Effort to Stop Democrat Election Fraud


When it comes to elections, it should be easy to vote, but hard to cheat. That’s the two-part equation for election success, and most Americans agree.


And so does the Honest Elections Project. Our group was founded to fight for free and fair elections for all Americans. After all, the right to vote is about more than just casting ballots—it’s about preserving a fair system that guarantees each lawful vote is counted.


But that system is under attack. The left is pushing hard to reshape elections for political gain, and they are exploiting the COVID-19 crisis to do it. Today, Honest Elections is launching a new video highlighting the threats their agenda poses to free and fair elections—and showing Americans the clear, safe, and secure alternative to protecting voting rights during the pandemic.


COVID-19 presents unique challenges to voting, and we clearly need plans to keep voting safe and easy during the pandemic. Happily, states are devising ways to protect voter health at polling places, and expanding opportunities to vote absentee.


But we must not forget the second half of the voting equation: protecting the process from fraud. The fact is, voting by mail is not as secure as voting in person. Absentee ballots can be lost, intercepted, and tampered with or destroyed. And, when voting happens outside of a polling place, no one is entirely sure that the voter wasn’t pressured to vote the “right” way. When these sorts of things happen, voters are disenfranchised.


That’s why absentee voting typically has rules in place to verify a voter’s identity and ensure that only lawful voters are casting ballots. They come in many forms—voters typically have to request ballots, or have their signatures matched to one on file, or have a witness attest to their identity—but they all serve the same role: to stop fraud.


All of these sensible policies are now in the left’s crosshairs. In their zeal to radically and permanently transform voting, the left is pushing legislation to mail ballots automatically to every voter registration, undermine voter ID laws, and strip away vital voter protections like bans on vote harvesting. And they have filed an unprecedented number of lawsuits hoping courts will rewrite election laws when lawmakers won’t.


In other words, they want more Americans than ever before to rely on mail balloting, while also stripping away the safeguards of traditional absentee voting.


No matter how the left’s plan is measured, it comes up short. It would force states to come up with entirely new voting systems practically overnight, guaranteeing voter confusion and risking chaos.


And it opens the door to widespread fraud. America’s voter rolls are riddled with errors—one in eight are outdated or wrong, according to one Pew study. Mailing ballots to every registration is not just wasteful, it will send millions of ballots to the wrong address, and in the name of ineligible or dead voters—or to registrations that are entirely fraudulent. What easier avenue for fraud could there be than stacks of unclaimed ballots, unprotected by voter identification laws?


Americans should reject this naked attempt to remake elections for political gain. Instead, we need specific, targeted, and temporary responses to this pandemic that preserve free and fair elections by making it easy to vote, and hard to cheat.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.9646468   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sidney Powell Files Scathing Response to Shadow Prosecutor John Gleeson’s Amicus Brief, It’s a ‘Wrap-Up Smear’


General Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell on Wednesday filed a scathing response to shadow prosecutor John Gleeson’s amicus brief.


Recall, Judge Emmet Sullivan’s “shadow prosecutor” John Gleeson filed his brief last week.


Gleeson called the DOJ’s dismissal of General Flynn “pretextual” and “a gross abuse of prosecutorial power.”


Sara Carter reported:



Sidney Powell, the defense attorney for Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, filed a scathing response in the court Wednesday against federal Judge John Gleeson’s amicus brief, which asked the court to reject the Justice Departments request to drop all charges against Flynn. Powell’s motion is powerful and contains a lengthy time-line revealing the stunning evidence discovered by DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz, as well as, the litany of new evidence uncovered by U.S. Attorney Jeffery Jensen, who was appointed by the Justice Department to conduct an independent review of Flynn’s case.


Powell argues in her brief that the “irony and sheer duplicity” of Gleeson’s accusations “against the Justice Department now—which is finally exposing the truth—is stunning.”


Powell also pointed out in her filing Wednesday that Gleeson’s filing on behalf of Sullivan is a “wrap-up smear” against Flynn.


“It demonstrates the difference between a Department of Prosecutions and a Department of Justice,” Powell argues in her conclusion regarding Gleeson’s amicus. “It shows how the Department of Justice, as the government’s representative in every federal criminal case, has the power to walk into courtrooms and ask judges to remedy injustices. For these reasons and those stated in our other briefs, the only lawful action this court can take is to dismiss the case with prejudice on the Government’s motion and vacate the plea.”


The Justice Department dropped its case against General Mike Flynn last month after bombshell documents were released that proved Flynn was framed by Comey’s FBI.


But the Clinton-appointed Judge Emmet Sullivan made a dirty, political move to delay justice for Flynn.


US Attorney General Bill Barr recently blasted rogue Judge Emmet Sullivan for targeting Flynn with a shadow prosecutor during a sit-down interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier.


Barr blasted Sullivan and said it’s up to the executive branch to prosecute, calling judge Gleeson an “alternative prosecutor.”


“The argument is that it’s always been understood that decisions whether to pursue an individual through the prosecution process or to hold them criminally accountable is vested in the executive branch and not the courts — and he is, in our view, essentially trying to set himself up as an alternative prosecutor,” said Barr.


The US Government also responded to Gleeson’s amicus brief on Wednesday and said “his position lacks sound basis in the Constitution.”

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.9646481   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Germany: Berlin plans to take 300 more migrants from Greece


A left-wing lawmaker in the Berlin senate has drafted a proposal that, if accepted by the state’s Senate and approved by the federal Interior Ministry would see at least 300 migrants in reception centers across Greece relocated to Germany.


Andreas Geisel, Berlin’s state senator for interior affairs and a member of the Social Democratic Party, tabled a draft of the decree at the state senate on Tuesday. However, even in the case that the Berlin senate does give the decree the green light, Germany’s federal Interior Ministry has to approve of it as well, Der Tagesspiegel reports.


But Horst Seehofer, Germany’s federal Interior Minister has refused to approve Berlin’s request to take in additional migrants on three separate occasions, so the likelihood of him giving the go-ahead this time is unlikely.


“If he refuses [the agreement], we cannot realize it,” said Geisel.


According to the proposed decree, it’s not just underage migrants that would have a chance to be transferred to Berlin. Religious minorities, sexual minorities, traumatized people, the sick, traveling fathers and mothers, and people over the age of 60 would also have a shot at being transferred.


“In addition to the children, we must also create a solution for other people if we are serious about the European values ​​of freedom, equality and solidarity,” Geisel said.


In April, a group of 47 so-called “unaccompanied migrant children” were transferred to Germany from Greece, Voice of Europe reported. Several EU member states have pledged to relocate as many as 1,600 underage migrants.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:16 a.m. No.9646545   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7048 >>7267

‘Invasion’: Dozens More Illegal Boat Migrants Brought Ashore at Dover


Some 70 illegal boat migrants reached Britain on Tuesday, as the number of Channel migrant crossings have set an annual record, despite being only halfway through the year.


The illegal migrants attempted to cross the English Channel despite the foggy condition, before being brought ashore by UK Border Force. The crossings bring the total number of illegal boat migrants recorded this year to have reached British shores to over 2,000, a new record, compared to 1,890 for the whole of last year.


On Tuesday, two of the estimated 70 migrants attempted to row their way across the Channel from France in a small fibreglass canoe.


Since the national lockdown was introduced on March 23rd — restricting the movement of British citizens in order to contain the spread of the Chinese coronavirus — approximately 1,620 migrants have sailed from camps in France to the UK, despite reports of COVID outbreaks in Calais and Dunkirk.


Once escorted to the Port of Dover, migrants are given masks by immigration officials, yet are rarely tested for the disease, according to the Daily Mail.


In response to the crossings, a Coast Guard spokesman said: “HM Coastguard has been coordinating search and rescue responses to incidents off Kent today, working with Border Force, Kent Police and other partners.”


“HM Coastguard is only concerned with preservation of life, rescuing those in trouble and bringing them safely back to shore, where they will be handed over to the relevant partner emergency services or authorities,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.9646617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7048 >>7267

Leaked Documents Link Fugitive Mexican Ex-Governor, Politicians to Cartels and Embezzlement


Leaked documents obtained by Breitbart Texas demonstrate an intricate weave of corruption featuring former Tamaulipas state officials who allegedly worked with the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas. Several politicians, including two former governors, face criminal charges in the U.S.


Another one of the witnesses, Jesus Rodrigo Andrade Gallegos, claimed Governor Hernandez would meet with Gulf Cartel brass at the Maeva Hotel in Tampico. The witness also claimed that Governor Hernandez would consume drugs during those gatherings and, in a few instances, was rushed to a nearby private hospital called Beneficencia Espanola when he overindulged. The documents also show that Hernandez denied the allegations made by Andrade Gallegos.



Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.9646710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6759 >>7020

CHAOS ALERT: New CHAZ Antifa / BLM mini-cities to pop up in every single Democrat run state in every metropolitan city and all mayors will be sworn to stand down


If the death of George Floyd wasn’t planned by the Left, it was a timely catapult for Soros-funded chaos. It was only a matter of time before George Soros’ money was enough for bored, young, chaotic, frustrated, brainwashed dudes in their twenties (and their stoned girlfriends) to go buy some liquid courage, drugs and spray paint, and take over a small section of downtown Seattle (the artsy-fartsy district, by the way). Now, the nation of libtard or “CHAZ” (acronym for Capital Hill Autonomous Zone) is a mecca, a prototype, a litmus test and a perfect model of what at least 100 more metropolitan “districts” will look like next month. In fact, a new autonomous zone already popped up in Chicago.

Bill Gates and George Soros fuel the violent, demented, and sickly atrocities of the world today


It was a rather simple formula. Have Bill Gates release a disease. Shutter all small businesses and create massively long lines for food, so everybody gets used to it. Make them all wear face coverings so it becomes so inhuman, nobody even cares about anybody else at all.


Then fund dozens of Hate-Trump groups where most members already have an arrest record and no jobs, and pay them to go be violent, also promising them, and this is the key to it all… to get bailed out or get off Scott-free because the police are told to stand down, the judges are sworn to Obama, and there’s no bail set anyway.


Yes, here are all the companies that FUND Antifa and Black Lives Matter, just so you know. Go ahead and click and read. We can wait. Ads are literally being run, hiring these brainwashed freaks the media spit out in just 4 short years, to create the most chaotic, idiotic, outright dangerous “protests” that are supported by every single Democrat in office right now.


Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are instructed by Obama and the Clintons. Obama and the Clintons answer directly to George Soros and Bill Gates. The Governors of New York, Virginia, Minnesota, California and Washington bow down and do anything they’re told, and the crap rolls down hill to the mayors, and finally to the scum of the earth, Antifa.


It’s all brought to you by the Nazis that run the social media platforms. It’s time to cage the “beast” by voting every Democrat out of office over the next two years.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.9646790   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Hey Siri, I’m getting pulled over’: iPhone feature will record police interaction, send location


A feature exclusively available for Apple users called “Shortcuts,” which was launched in 2018, allows users to conduct tasks on their phones that would normally require multiple actions with a single voice command of the iPhone’s artificial intelligence capability, Siri.


The feature has been the subject of renewed focus recently as protests against police brutality continue across the U.S. in the wake of the death of George Floyd during a May 25 encounter with Minneapolis police. One iPhone user created a shortcut that prompts an iPhone to begin recording police interactions by the user simply uttering the phrase: “Hey Siri, I’m getting pulled over.”


Twitter user Robert Petersen posted a link to the shortcut and an explanation of what it does.


Users can download the police shortcut, but must make sure to have the Shortcuts app installed.


While Petersen said he hopes the tool will be useful for some, the specific feature is not available for Android users. Apps with similar functions have been developed, including one called “Stop and Frisk Watch,” which is available for both Android and Apple devices and is designed to record incidents by “simply pushing a trigger on the phone’s frame," according to the developer’s website.


Apple’s “Shortcuts” feature allows users to “create your own shortcuts with multiple steps,” according to the company’s website.


“For example, build a ‘Surf Time’ shortcut that grabs the surf report, gives an estimated arrival time to the beach, and launches your surf music playlist,“ according to Apple’s support page.

Upon saying “Hey Siri, I’m getting pulled over,” any music that may be playing is paused and the screen’s brightness is dimmed while the phone’s “do not disturb” capability is turned on. The phone then automatically sends a message to a contact the user sets up, letting that person know that the user is being stopped by police, along with providing the user’s location. The front camera is then turned on and the phone begins to record video of what is happening.


“Once you stop the recording it sends a copy of the video to a contact you specify, puts volume and brightness back to where they were, turns off Do Not Disturb, and gives you the option to send to iCloud Drive or Dropbox,” according to a Reddit post by Petersen.


Another user on Twitter posted a step-by-step video on how to install the shortcut to an iPhone.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.9646818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6952

Facebook takes down Proud Boys, American Guard accounts connected to protests


Facebook executed a takedown Tuesday of social media accounts connected to two organizations the company considers to be hate groups and had banned across their platforms: Proud Boys and American Guard.


Facebook officials told ABC News the company completed a network disruption that their security teams had originally initiated on May 30 against Proud Boys and the American Guard. On May 30, the social media’s internal monitors started seeing traffic from both organizations indicating they intended to send armed agitators to ongoing protests sparked in the wake of the death of George Floyd.


“We accelerated our investigation and enforcement to remove the accounts, pages and groups we had found by that point and then continued our work mapping out the rest of the network,” Facebook officials said.


The company announced Tuesday its teams had identified more participants in those networks, and so took action to remove those accounts. In total they removed 358 Facebook accounts and 172 Instagram accounts tied to the organization known as Proud Boys. They removed 406 Facebook accounts and 164 Instagram accounts tied to the group known as American Guard.


“In both cases, we saw accounts from both organizations discussing attending protests in various US states with plans to carry weapons but we did not find indications in their on-platform content they planned to actively commit violence,” the company said.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:31 a.m. No.9646843   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia hosts Zarif, promises to stand by Iran on nuclear deal


Lavrov says, after meeting Zarif, Russia will do 'everything' to preserve nuclear deal between Iran and world powers.


Russia has promised to stand by its ally, Iran, amid tensions over Tehran's nuclear programme as Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif in Moscow.


Lavrov said on Tuesday Russia would do "everything" to preserve a 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers that started to unravel two years ago when the US renounced it and reimposed sanctions on Tehran.


"We will be doing everything so that no one can destroy these agreements," Lavrov told reporters after face-to-face talks with Zarif. "Washington has no right to punish Iran."


He said Russia would firmly oppose any "attempts to use this situation in order to manipulate the (United Nations) Security Council and to promote an anti-Iranian agenda".


On his part, Zarif described developments around the Iranian nuclear deal - formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - as "very dangerous".

Abandoned commitments


Iran committed under the deal to curb its nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief and other benefits.


But the Islamic Republic has slowly abandoned its commitments after US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the deal.


Iran's stockpile of enriched uranium is currently almost eight times the limit fixed in the accord, according to an assessment by the UN's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).


However, the level of enrichment is still far below what would be needed for a nuclear weapon.


On Monday, the IAEA called on Iran to allow prompt access to two sites where past nuclear activity may have occurred.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.9646885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7300

PG&E Pleads Guilty To 84 Counts Of Manslaughter Tied To Deadliest Wildfire In California History


In a landmark development that marks a victory for California citizens trying to hold the state's largest and most politically influential utility accountable, PG&E pleaded guilty to 84 felony counts of involuntary manslaughter on Tuesday afternoon. The guilty plea marks the end of an investigation into the origins of the Camp Fire, the deadliest and most destructive in California history.


Roughly 18 months ago, we reported on the surreal scenes coming out of the town of Paradise, California, which was swiftly swallowed up by flames as the NorCal 'Camp' Fire. That fire eventually became the deadliest wildfire in the state's history, killing at least 84, including dozens of Paradise residents who couldn't escape in time. The fire spread so quickly, many elderly residents didn't even have a chance to run.


An investigation eventually found that PG&E inadvertently started the fire when a transmission line broke from a nearly-100-year-old Pacific Gas & Electric Tower after years of neglect.


Here's more from the NYT:


In a rare acknowledgment of corporate wrongdoing, PG&E on Tuesday pleaded guilty to 84 counts of involuntary manslaughter for its negligence, ending a two-year ordeal for the families of victims like Ms. Wehe and survivors of the fire, which destroyed the town of Paradise.


PG&E, which had repeatedly failed to maintain the line even though it cut through a forested and mountainous area known to experience strong winds, also pleaded guilty to one count of illegally setting a fire.


In addition to the guilty plea, the California Public Utilities Commission separately fined PG&E almost $2 billion for its negligence in causing the wildfire. What's more, the company could face additional penalties because its guilty plea represents a violation of a federal probation order placed on the company from a 2010 transformer explosion which started a fire that killed 8 people. The federal judge, William H. Alsup, has the power to impose new penalties on the company for violating its probation, according to the NYT.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.9646928   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Indian PM Orders to Stock Up War Reserves, Deployment of Assets After Violent Face-Off With China


Amid simmering tensions along the Line of Actual Control, unprecedented border clashes erupted between India and China in the Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh on Monday night. The face-off led to casualties and injuries on both the sides.


In a high-level meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi last night, the nation's armed forces have been given additional power to stock up war reserves. A green light has also been given to the Indian Navy to deploy its assets in the Strait of Malacca region where it can counter Chinese warships. The Strait of Malacca is one of the world's major maritime choke-points and a primary shipping route for Chinese vessels.


According to sources, a call for coordination has been made for the three services - Army, Navy, and Air Force - to prioritise the requirements, where necessary. Similarly, Air Force assets, which includes over 100 fighter jets, have also been asked to move up to forward locations.


Sources added that the forces are operationally ready for intensive fighting but the order to stock up ammunition reserves is for more than a 20-day war.


The development comes after a brutal face-off the Galwan Valley in which 20 Indian soldiers including an officer were killed, while on Wednesday army sources said that four others are also in critical condition.


"The loss of soldiers in Galwan is deeply disturbing and painful. Our soldiers displayed exemplary courage and valour in the line of duty and sacrificed their lives in the highest traditions of the Indian Army. The nation will never forget their bravery and sacrifice. My heart goes out to the families of the fallen soldiers. The nation stand shoulder to shoulder with them in this difficult hour. We are proud of the bravery and courage of India’s bravehearts", Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said in a Wednesday statement.


Satellite imagery experts and Indian Army veteran Raj claimed that the People’s Liberation Army built up massive troop concentrations deeper along the Galwan River.


“Satellite images indicate at least one if not two combined arms brigades are present at the valley. Build up minimum on 14 May while it has been increasing since then", he observed.


The Global Times, while quoting the PLA Tibet Military Command, reported that the Chinese military had recently conducted joint exercises aimed at the destruction of key hostile hubs in a high-elevation mountainous region. The exercise featured “long-range artillery systems, ground-to-air missile systems, special operative forces, army aviation troops, electronic countermeasure forces, and engineering and anti-chemical warfare troops",


Meanwhile, in response to the border clashes between India and China, the US State Department said, “We are closely monitoring the situation between Indian and Chinese forces along the Line of Actual Control. We note the Indian military has announced that 20 soldiers have died, and we offer our condolences to their families".


Stating that both nuclear-armed giants are willing to de-escalate the tensions, the United States offered support for a peaceful resolution.


Border ties between India and China have been strained for over a month and a series of high-level meetings have been conducted to resolve the issue. However, no conclusion has been reached so far.


During the fresh face-off between troops in the Ladakh region along the loosely demarcated Line of Actual Control (LAC), the de facto border accepted by India and China in 1993, nearly 20 Indian soldiers were killed. Casualties have also been reported on the Chinese side.


While Indian Prime Minister Modi is yet to respond to the development, the foreign ministries of India and China have accused each other of violating their commitments made during army commander-level talks on 6 June.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.9646997   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chelsea Handler, Other Celebs Promote Anti-White Remarks From Louis Farrakhan; Handler Suggests He’s Only Anti-Semitic Because Jews Made Him That Way


On Sunday night, comedian-turned-full-time-left-wing activist Chelsea Handler posted to her Instagram page remarks from controversial figure and Nation of Islam leader Louis

Farrakhan, who is well known for his anti-white, anti-Semitic, racist and homophobic rhetoric.

“I learned a lot from watching this powerful video,” Handler captioned the post.


According to The New York Post, the clip, which is not dated, is from an appearance on the “Phil Donahue Show.” During the video, Farrakhan rationalizes and promotes anti-white prejudice and repeatedly vilifies “white folk,” suggesting racial tension will never be overcome and that whites are full of guilt and fear that black people will one day rule them.

As noted by the Post, other celebrities like actress Jessica Chastain shared the content as well, and actresses Jennifer Aniston, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Jennifer Garner “liked” the content posted by Handler. “The Good Place” actress Jameela Jamil also reportedly shared the video to Instagram, with the message: “Someone please tell me the name of this extraordinary man who so perfectly sums up white fear in under a minute.”


Both Jamil and Chastain have apparently deleted the posts with no explanations.

Reacting to Handler’s post of Farrakhan, one Instagram user pushed back: “So, based on this logic, if you find a video of Hitler saying something positive and powerful, will you feel equally compelled to share it? You gave hate credibility and a large platform today.”

Handler, who is Jewish, responded: “No, because Hitler was responsible for killing millions of lives. Farrakhan is just responsible for his own promotion of anti-Semitic beliefs. They are very different.”


In a follow-up comment, the former comedian then suggested it was likely the fault of the Jews in Farrakhan’s life that made him anti-Semitic, anyway. “Another thing: perhaps Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic views took form during his own oppression,” she wrote. “We know now that oppression of one race leads to an oppression of all races.”


Amazed by the statements, popular Twitter politico known as Neontaster wrote, “Anyone talking about Chelsea Handler’s defense of Farrakhan as fine because his anti-Semitism didn’t lead to six million dead Jews and really when you think about it, it’s sorta their fault he’s anti-Semitic anyway? No? OK, just checking.”

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.9647059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7116

Who are the CABAL???


Rumors Of Wars: China, India, North Korea, South Korea, Israel And Turkey All Move Toward War


As if we didn’t have enough already going on in 2020, now we are facing the possibility that several regional wars may erupt. China and India had both been pouring troops into a disputed border region, and now there has been an incident where they were actually killing each other. On the Korean peninsula, North Korea just blew up “a joint liaison office” that it had used for talks with the South Korean government. And in the Middle East, Turkey is warning of grave consequences if Israel goes ahead with a plan to annex portions of Judea and Samaria. If a major regional war erupts at even one of these flashpoints, it will be another devastating blow for a global economy that is already imploding, and there is a very strong probability that the U.S. and other major western powers could be drawn into the conflict.


Right now, most Americans are focused on our internal problems, and so they are paying very little attention to the growing crisis on the border between China and India.


Both nations had sent substantial contingents of troops to an area of the border that has long been disputed, and a meeting that was supposed to defuse tensions actually resulted in soldiers killing one another…


Chinese state media described the incident Monday night in the Galwan River valley where both countries have deployed troops in recent weeks as “the most serious clash between Chinese and Indian soldiers so far,” confirming casualties but offering no further details about them. Indian government sources speaking on the condition of anonymity told The Times of India that 20 Indian army personnel had died in the fighting.


American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died, including one senior officer, a source familiar with that assessment tells U.S. News. The incident took place during a meeting in the mountainous region between the two sides – both of which had agreed to disarm – to determine how the two militaries would safely withdraw their presences from the region.


This is the very first time in decades that Chinese and Indian troops have killed each other, and apparently very little shooting was involved…


The meeting grew tense and resulted in a physical confrontation between the troops. According to the assessment, all of the casualties were from the use of batons and knives and from falls from the steep topography, the source says.


That sounds like a scene from an overly gory Hollywood war movie, but reportedly this actually happened.


Hopefully the leaders of the two nations will be able to cool tensions for a while, but the Chinese have a very long history of very bitter border disputes with their neighbors, and without a doubt China will continue to make attempts to exercise sovereignty over this area.

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:42 a.m. No.9647109   🗄️.is 🔗kun

LETTER: Boy Scouts Introduce Black Lives Matter Inspired ‘Diversity And Inclusion’ Badge, Will Be Required To Become Eagle Scout


In a letter posted Monday, the National Executive Committee for the Boy Scouts of America announced a new badge related to “diversity and inclusion” in conjunction with the far-left, anti-cop Black Lives Matter movement.

The new badge will be a prerequisite to becoming an Eagle Scout, according to the committee.

Though Black Lives Matter is clearly political, calling for the national defunding of police departments and the disruption of the nuclear family, the Scouts claim the move is apolitical and about mere anti-racism.

“We condemn the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and all those who are not named but are equally important,” the letter to scout families reads. “We hear the anguish, feel the heartbreak, and join the country’s resolve to do better.”

“The Boy Scouts of America stands with Black families and the Black community because we believe that Black Lives Matter,” the executive committee emphasized. “This is not a political issue; it is a human rights issue and one we all have a duty to address.”

“That is why, as an organization, we commit to [i]ntroducing a specific diversity and inclusion merit badge that will be required for the rank of Eagle Scout,” the letter continues. “It will build on components within existing merit badges, including the American Cultures and Citizenship in the Community merit badges, which require Scouts to learn about and engage with other groups and cultures to increase understanding and spur positive action.”

The Scouts will also be “[r]equiring diversity and inclusion training for all BSA employees starting July 1,” and “[c]onducting a review of property names, events, and insignia, in partnership with local councils, to build on and enhance the organization’s nearly 30-year ban on use of the Confederate flag and to ensure that symbols of oppression are not in use today or in the future.”

The organization noted that these moves are only their “next steps but certainly not our last.”

Read the full letter, below (via CBS 11 News):

Anonymous ID: 44e29c June 17, 2020, 11:45 a.m. No.9647176   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UH-OH: Bail Out Fund Promoted By Celebs Under Fire After Taking In $30 Mill, Spending Almost No Money On Bail


On Monday, the celebrity-touted Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) posted a message online after facing intense backlash over the bail-out charity’s allocation of funds and lack of transparency.


According to MFF’s website, the organization has brought in over $30 million in donations since the death of George Floyd. However, only “well over” $200,000 in donations — less than 1% of their funds — have actually been used to bail out protesters and rioters.


“Appreciate all those calling for transparency,” the fund posted online Monday. “We see y’all. Our values and mission have not changed since 2016. Be on the lookout for things coming on our end. Be well.”


A follow-up tweet read: “Without jeopardizing the safety of the folks we bailed out we paid well over $200k in the weeks since the uprising alone. We are working on doing more.”