Anonymous ID: e5a050 June 17, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.9646905   🗄️.is 🔗kun


anon, I paid for 4 kids to get their degrees, and it was hard as hell to do.

If you have a look at what they are studying and how their classes are done, it was headed this way BEFORE the faux virus outbreak.


Had one of mine take a class for beekeeping. It was all online, no actual physical meeting of the class due to the "possibility" of some student getting stung, adverse reaction and resulting lawsuit. Reading the "textbook", which was photocopied and bound with a loose binding system ($90, btw), he learned more simply searching online for a couple of hours.


That was my last graduate, in 2014, so this mess has been building on its own for many reasons. The primary one is that colleges are HUGE profit machines and there is huge incentive to sell kids and parents crap and call it caviar.


Don't send him to war, but send him somewhere he can pick up a lifetime skill.