um, and just what is this non lethal weapon capable of? Stun. Cop gets stunned and perp walks over takes his gun and shoots him in the head.
if the intercepted information is “reasonably believed to contain evidence of a crime” then the NSA is allowed to turn it over to federal law enforcement.
Yep. Planning on moving to South Korea a year from now, near the DMZ. Housing is cheaper there.
Tell that to the guy arrested for defending himself from the skateboard perp.
Cop goes free, setting up another cause to riot.
Not EO - the LAW.
28 CFR § 17.22 - Classification of information; limitations.
(d) Information shall not be classified in order to conceal inefficiency, violations of law, or administrative error; to prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency; to restrain competition; or to prevent or delay release of information that does not require protection in the interest of national security. Information that has been declassified and released to the public under proper authority may not be reclassified.