Anonymous ID: 000000 June 17, 2020, 2:05 p.m. No.9649076   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hey did sportsball miss an entire season this year? Do they do sportsball in the summer I know the Superb Owl is in February, but they play for a little before that, right?

Anonymous ID: 000000 June 17, 2020, 2:42 p.m. No.9649471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9488 >>9534


If Trump loses this fight, he can kiss his legacy goodbye. He will be known as Hitler2.0 for future generations.


Trump is a lot of things, one of which is 74 years old. He won't live forever, he worked his entire life in Branding, you think he wants to be remembered as the worst person who ever lived?

You guys have absolute shit for critical thinking skills.