Anonymous ID: 6a3ead June 17, 2020, 2:17 p.m. No.9649195   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is anyone surprised that controlled "d.a." is throwing the book at Police? Too bad that more than half the Country has no access to (CommieCast, Cox, etc. subscribers), or is even aware, that legitimate NEWS outlets exist. #PopularFront tactics


May 23, 2018 George Soros is Trying to Buy District Attorney Elections Across America


Oct 14, 2019 Soros Open Society Policy Center — lobbies DC politicians… ETC. Richard Pollock from the One America News Network recently interviewed CRC’s president Scott Walter about billionaire George Soros and the massive amount of lobbying undertaken by his Open Society Policy Center. This two-part series aired on October 14 and October 21.


Prosecutor who dropped Smollett charges was Given $400K by George Soros

From 2011:

It gets worse. Although Pickens is the most visible champion of the bill, in the past couple of weeks it’s come to light that this is actually a major new play of none other than George Soros. Soros is of course known for going long or short on bets that fit with the plans of his many other activities designed to influence government and remake the world into something more in line with his left-wing views.