Anonymous ID: 70b8d2 June 17, 2020, 2:29 p.m. No.9649349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9363 >>9365 >>9374 >>9378 >>9387 >>9394 >>9399 >>9401 >>9414 >>9416 >>9425 >>9427 >>9428 >>9429 >>9443 >>9453 >>9496 >>9547 >>9661

UK anon here.

Going to upset some of my US buddy-anons here but it's time to speak out.

I'm sick of Potus and Hannity and others telling ust hat the US police are best in the world, ditto US intelligence services, and FBI and military and justice and everything US. It's just not true.


US justice is crap - plea bargaining has ensured that. As for US police, I prefer UK police. My brother who became a US citizen after 15 years told mre that the difference between US and UK police is that the UK police address the citizen as sir and the US citizen addresses the policeman as sir. Says it all afaic.

Fact is, the US is NOT the best at everything and I'm getting a bit fed up with the constant claims that it is. Not wanting every US citizen to go on a guilt trip about things that happened a few centuries ago but would like a more realistic assessment of current US capabilities. Honesty not bragging,in other words.

Anonymous ID: 70b8d2 June 17, 2020, 2:41 p.m. No.9649458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9474


Just the kind of moronic response I have come to expect.

There was a time when I admired the reseacrh capabilities of QR anons/autists.

Now the board is filled with smart-arse, one line responders who think they're clever but couldn't research the distance between their arm and their arse without tripping over their navel. Not much left here worth following, tbh. Get more sense from one of GW's videos from his painstaking 4 yrs of research than anything that QR has come up with in months. Yet anons have been shilled into believing that he's not a patriot. He's more on the ball than anons have ever been, imo.

Anonymous ID: 70b8d2 June 17, 2020, 2:49 p.m. No.9649551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9577


One honest reply - thanks. I appreciate it

I agree with all you say.

As for Her Maj, I truly believe she is a good woman and has been a wonderful and godly head of state. However, I have always had my doubts about Prince Philip and have wondered whether he "misled" her when she was still very young and has had leverage ever since. - but that's another story and speculation on my part. Suffice to say that Prince Philip's connections with WWF and Vatican and CFR places him right at the top of the cabal. And Prince Charles appears to be following in his father's footsteps.

Anonymous ID: 70b8d2 June 17, 2020, 3:03 p.m. No.9649694   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>When Liz dies, end of monarchy. You think?

It could well be. Harry is a dead loss but I still have some hopes that Will can walk in his grandmother's footsteps. Although he's an environmentalist like his father - worships the creation not the creator. I would like to see the continuation of the Monarchy if the next Monarch was anything like as dutiful as Queen Elizabeth, largely because it prevents upstarts and self serving idiots like Tony Blair and Boris Johnson from occupying that position and perpetuating a political dynasty like you have in the US with the Bushes and Kennedys et al. I prefer our herditary system - but again that's a whole other argument.