Anonymous ID: 8d4a80 June 17, 2020, 2:20 p.m. No.9649238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9271 >>9312 >>9360 >>9382



The new season of Bill Burr’s “F Is For Family” is out. And what do you know in the FIRST episode.


Frank Murphy’s father makes an appearance for the the first time and talks about working for a “giant type writer key company”. He gives one of these GIANT KEYS(keys unlock doors?) to Franks SON and the letter on the “key” happens to be a… Q!


Out of all of the letters to choose from. WHY would they pick Q? Comms to the public from Bill Burr and frens? Bill saying “I know whats going on Q is the key”? Big 5:5 for anons? Hint for waking normies?


WHY. Why a Q? Why Q “key”.


Anons. What the fuck. The implications are crazy. Q as a “key”. Typewriters? Are there maybe clues in the show from Bill Burr about pedowood?


I’m only on first episode. I am officially taking this as it is the first episode and the context i just described as a sign from Bill and frens that he knows and that maybe there is decodable information in this new season.


Anons I am not normally great a doing digs and decodes anymore because of my long working hours so I’m asking any willing anons, watch season 4 of F for Family on Netflix(i know they suck but if you can use a family members please watch this).


Fucking A anons. Thats awesome.

Anonymous ID: 8d4a80 June 17, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.9649305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9353


Do what you gotta do, i have frens. An i nuts though anon or is that shit not totally interdasting? As soon as I saw that, the cogs hammered together. No way thats a q for no reason. Out of all the other letters??? Why? Fucking key anon. Fucking key.

Anonymous ID: 8d4a80 June 17, 2020, 2:46 p.m. No.9649519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9529


Fuck off faggot. Acting like BILL IS Q gas light, it’s a fuckin nod.



Maybe who tf knows.



You might be right and I might have to go to tard jail.


  • My intuition pulled at me when I saw that. Bill Burr is pretty woke, i have heard him speak on things before. Anons, I get over excited about shit, you know how it goes. I’m asking more well rested anons that have more time in their hands than I do if they watch this to keep a look out. I’ll step back a bit. Kek. I got a little excited over something that “may” be nothing. Sure fucking looks interesting it had to be a Q. Who cares if it’s first key in QWERTY. Why did it HAVE to be a Q? Bill is woke with other shit, so I’m just saying. WOULDNT SURPRISE ME.


Yo there are tons of shills here that are trying to sew doubt. The cointel is on high here. Don’t forget all the proofs anons and don’t forget how far we have come. They are trying to make us believe this is stupid when in reality….. if you were to go back in time and explain everything that has happened to an anon from 2017, i’m sure they would say sounds about right.


Did anyone REALLLY realize just how crazy it is that Epstein got pinched???? Anons. That in itself. Is INCREDIBLE.


They are literally about to subpoena a bunch of Obama admin and Hillary testify in September. Anons we are chilling o7 Stand your fucking ground against these shills soldiers. Thats a fucking order.