Anonymous ID: a591d3 June 17, 2020, 2:10 p.m. No.9649123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9332

‘Walking Dead’ star reveals 11-year-old child is transgender: 'When he was born we thought he was a girl. We were mistaken.'


'Always identified as a boy'


"Walking Dead" star Khary Payton has revealed that his 11-year-old child is transgender.


Payton's child, who was born a female, is officially transgender, according to the actor, as the child has "always identified as a boy."


In an Instagram post, Payton reintroduced his biologically born daughter as his son.


"This is my kid," he wrote. "One of the most happy, well-adjusted individuals I've ever known. My son, Karter. Karter with a K because it reminded him of my name. He chose it. You see, he was born female but has always identified as a boy."


He continued, "He thought it would be cool if I announced it on social media. I told him that there would be so many supporters but also a lot of jerks who would be harsh. He said, 'Yeah, I know about trolls, daddy. I can handle trolls.'"


Payton added that he's so proud of his son, and enjoys watching him come into his own.


"Man, there is nothing more beautiful than watching your child feel the joy of exploring what it means to be true to themselves," he said. "This is his journey, and I am here for it. I hope you all have the opportunity to feel the unquenchable love that I am feeling right now."


Pray for these kids

Anonymous ID: a591d3 June 17, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.9649190   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trudeau’s anti-Palestinian record & support for Israel is out of touch with what Canadians want – survey


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is out of touch with Canadians’ views on Israel’s annexation of the West Bank, a survey reveals. As Canada vies for a spot on the UN Security Council, its pro-Israel record may hamper its chances.


A new survey by EKOS Research Associates found that 74 percent of Canadians want Trudeau to oppose Israel’s illegal plans to annex parts of the West Bank, and 42 percent want Canada to impose diplomatic and/or economic sanctions against Tel Aviv.


“This suggests that Canada’s pro-Israel approach to foreign policy is out of touch with the perspective of most Canadians, and is catering to the views of particular political constituencies,” the study’s authors wrote.

Anonymous ID: a591d3 June 17, 2020, 2:17 p.m. No.9649201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9232

Trump signs bill allowing anti-China sanctions over alleged Uighur human rights abuses


President Donald Trump has signed a bill that would allow the US to sanction Chinese officials for the alleged repression of Uighur Muslims in China’s Xinjiang Province. The bill passed Congress with bipartisan support.


Trump signed the act into law on Wednesday, and a statement from the president accused the Chinese government of the “systematic use of indoctrination camps, forced labor, and intrusive surveillance to eradicate the ethnic identity and religious beliefs of Uyghurs and other minorities in China.”


The president will now have 180 days to submit a report to Congress identifying the officials responsible for these abuses, who will then be subject to sanctions. It also requires the State Department to compile a report on these alleged human rights violations, just as it was required to do under the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, a similar piece of legislation passed amid anti-China protests in the semi-autonomous city last year.


China denies operating “concentration camps,” instead claiming that Xinjiang’s Uighurs are held in “re-education” centers, in a bid to clamp down on terrorism in the province.

Anonymous ID: a591d3 June 17, 2020, 2:21 p.m. No.9649246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9377 >>9461 >>9608 >>9612

Army Offers Big Bonuses, Races to Sign 10,000 New Recruits in 3 Days


The U.S. Army plans to offer hefty bonuses some up to $40,000 to new recruits who sign up for nine skill specialties the service still needs to recruit before the end of the fiscal year.


The bonuses are part of the final push to meet the Army's end-strength goal of 485,000 by Sept. 30. Recruiting officials hope to sign up 10,000 new recruits alone during the service's first nationwide virtual hiring campaign scheduled for June 30-July 2.


"We are going after 10,000 … over these three days," Maj. Gen. Frank Muth, commander of Army Recruiting Command, told defense reporters today during a phone-in discussion.


The three-day event which will include all Army senior leaders as well as recruiters is an attempt to make up some ground the Army lost after its decision to temporarily shutter its recruiting stations and shift to 100% virtual recruiting in mid-March to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus.


The Army had just begun to recover from a recruiting shortfall in fiscal 2018, when it missed its goal by 6,500 soldiers. The service surpassed its recruiting goal for fiscal 2019 after launching a broad recruiting strategy that targeted 22 major cities and leveraged social media to connect with Generation Z.


The Army needs to recruit somewhere between 63,000 and 67,000 recruits by Sept. 30, Muth said, adding that the exact number will depend on the Army's retention numbers.


In late April, the Army increased its retention goal by 2,000 after surpassing its original retention goal of 50,200 in early March. It quickly reached 51,000 after that. Many soldiers decided to reenlist rather than face an uncertain future in a civilian job market that's still struggling under the effects of COVID-19.


"We are doing very well on retention," said E. Casey Wardynski, assistant secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, who added that the service has already retained 52,700 soldiers.


The Army still needs to recruit soldiers into ten military occupational skill specialties.


The Army is offering bonuses of up to $40,000 or student loan reimbursement up to $65,000 to soldiers that sign up for nine of the top 10 MOSs, depending on factors such as the MOS selected and the length of the contract, Army officials said.


Here is a list of the 10 ten MOSs eligible for bonuses:


35P, Cryptologic Linguist, up to $40,000

37F, Psychological Operations Specialist, up to $40,000

14P, Air and Missile Defense Crewmember, up to $33,000

13J, Fire Control Specialist, up to $28,000

11X, Infantry, up to $27,000

13M, Multiple Launch Rocket System Crewmember, up to $24,000

89D, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist, up to $15,000

19K, M1 Armor Crewman, up to $12,000

74D, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Specialist, up to $7,000

15W, Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operator, no enlistment bonus


The Army is also offering a special bonus of up to $2,000 for the three-day nationwide virtual hiring campaign "if you sign up in these days," Muth said.

Anonymous ID: a591d3 June 17, 2020, 2:25 p.m. No.9649297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9461 >>9612

UNGA Elects Turkish Representative as President for 75th Session


Turkish diplomat Volkan Bozkir has been elected president of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, current president Tijjani Muhammad-Bande said on Wednesday.


“His Excellency Mr. Volkan Bozkir of Turkey is elected as the president of the General Assembly of the 75th session,” Muhammad-Bande said.


Volkan was the only candidate running for the position that begins with the start of the 75th session on 15 September.


Muhammad-Bande also went on to announce that India, Mexico, Norway and Ireland are going to be a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. This bid was lost by Canada, who tried to quest the seat for the second time.


"Having obtained the majority of the members present and voting and the greatest number of votes, India, Ireland, Mexico and Norway are the elected members of the Security Council for a two-year term beginning on 1 January, 2020," Muhammad-Bande said.


UN General Assembly and Security Council are two key organs organs of the United Nations. UNGS members meet every September, as this year's meeting is scheduled to take place in New York on 15-30 September.

Anonymous ID: a591d3 June 17, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.9649307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9385 >>9461 >>9612

Rwanda Approves Legislation Allowing Russia to Build Nuclear Facilities


The government of Rwanda approved a plan on Monday to build a center of nuclear science and technologies aimed at promoting economic growth, the Russian state atomic company Rosatom announced on Tuesday.


In a plenary session of the Rwandan Chamber of Deputies on Monday, lawmakers approved legislation ratifying a recent agreement between Rwanda and Russia on the joint cooperation in the construction of the Centre of Nuclear Science and Technology in the African country.


The agreement, signed in the Russian city Sochi in October, will reportedly allow for scientific research and “practical application” of nuclear technologies that the country’s Ministry of Infrastructure hopes will advance several sectors of the economy including agriculture, health, education, sciences, and industry.


Rwanda’s Minister of Infrastructure Claver Gatete explained that his government was only beginning the process of employing nuclear energy applications for “peaceful purposes,” such as the preservation of foods using nuclear technology and improving security devices in vehicles.


“If we do not have skills in such areas, we have a big problem,” he argued. “That is why we want to build the prerequisite skills, which requires laboratory and trained people.”


The deal did not go down without debate, with the chairman of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, Dr. Frank Habineza MP, admitting his concern of sufficient evidence that the “negative impacts that overweight the benefits,” citing issues of waste management and the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster.


“Why do we spend money on something that will kill us and has waste effects?” he asked lawmakers. “This is a bomb that can blow and kill us in millions and have a lasting impact on the community and neighbors. How are we going to account for this to the next generation?”


MP Damien Nyabyenda, who tabled the legislation, cited the new jobs and other benefits it could bring to the economy, as well as the various international agreements that have already been signed to meet the necessary standards of waste management in line with regulations set out by the International Atomic Energy Agency.


“Already the first batch of 50 Rwandans are doing masters in nuclear sciences and will return here to implement the project to improve agriculture research, food and medicine storage, including geological studies,” Nyabenda said. “Yes, few countries have nuclear in Africa but we as Rwanda are sovereign and can do what is beneficial to us without looking to others that is why we choose to buy in the project.”


“Rwanda has a plan to do a feasibility study on how to monitor and implement the projects and its impact—in case of an accident,” he added.


Rosatom is the world’s biggest nuclear company in terms of foreign custom, with 36 countries including Bangladesh, Belarus, China, Egypt, Finland, Hungary, India, and Turkey, all having purchased their technology. It is also the largest supplier of electricity in Russia.


Last week, the organization also announced it had agreed to a deal with Ethiopia to help develop its nuclear infrastructure. It is currently also in talks with South Africa about the possibility of building more nuclear reactors, although President Cyril Ramaphosa recently put these plans on hold.

Anonymous ID: a591d3 June 17, 2020, 2:29 p.m. No.9649340   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Celebrity-Packed Beverly Hills Tells Black Lives Matter To Beat It, Limits Gatherings To 10 People


The limousine liberals in Beverly Hills are all in on Black Lives Matter protesters marching through the streets to protest the death of George Floyd, who died while in the custody of the Minneapolis police on Memorial Day.


Just not in their back yard.


The city has issued a ban on all gatherings of more than 10 people after 9 p.m. until further notice. Why? To “preserve peace and tranquility.”


“To preserve the peace and tranquility of residential neighborhoods, effective tonight and until further notice, no more than 10 people shall gather in an assembly in a public right of way in a residential area between the hours of 9 p.m. – 8 a.m.,” the city’s social media accounts announced.


“An assembly is defined as any gathering or group of 10 or more people on a public street, sidewalk, or other public places if those 10 people have a common purpose or goal,” the order reads. “Any assembly that is silent, such as a candlelight vigil, and gatherings on private property are exempt from this emergency order.”




A proclamation issued June 13 cited the following rationale, in part, for its decision (via The Washington Times):


The Director of Emergency Services declared an “existence of a local emergency” because the city was “potentially subject to violent protests.”

Property damage was incurred on May 30 along with “widespread acts of violence.”

A group called “OCCUPY” protested until 1:00 a.m.

The use of bullhorns at night “disrupted the tranquility” of the neighborhood.


Anyone who violates the edict can be arrested and face misdemeanor charges.


Dozens of people were arrested for their alleged roles in the looting and mayhem that hit Beverly Hills on May 30. Several businesses on Rodeo Drive, a section of high-end retail shops, a group smashed into a Gucci store. A short time later, looters hit an Alexander McQueen store, as well as other shops.


Mayor Les Friedman immediately enacted a stringent curfew on the city.

Anonymous ID: a591d3 June 17, 2020, 2:47 p.m. No.9649526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9612

Justice Department Official Plans To Resign After Signing Bolton Lawsuit, Email Says


The Department of Justice’s chief of the Civil Division announced plans to resign after signing a lawsuit over former National Security Adviser John Bolton’s forthcoming book, according to a staff email.


Joseph H. Hunt announced Tuesday in a staff email his intent to resign and leave July 3, according to The New York Times, which obtained the message. Hunt’s email came hours after signing the Trump administration’s lawsuit, alleging Bolton’s upcoming book contained classified information and breached his contract, according to the DOJ complaint.


Hunt’s motives for the decision to resign are unclear, reported TheNYT.


“I have the utmost respect and admiration for you because I have personally witnessed the manner in which you have carried out your responsibilities,” Hunt’s email said.


Hunt has been the DOJ chief of the Civil Division since 2018, a department that defends the Trump administration against lawsuits, reported TheNYT.


The Trump administration’s lawsuit against Bolton came after President Donald Trump suggested Monday that Bolton will face legal problems if he proceeds with publishing the memoir.


Hunt is the third DOJ official to resign within the past week. Others included head of the Criminal Division Brian A. Benczkowski and Solicitor General Noel J. Francisco, according to The NYT. Previously, Hunt was chief of staff under former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and has been with the DOJ since 1999.


The Department of Justice did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation in time for publication.

Anonymous ID: a591d3 June 17, 2020, 2:49 p.m. No.9649553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9559 >>9612

US Marine Killed in Parachute Jumping Exercise at Georgia Base


A US Marine has died in a parachute jumping exercise at the Fort Benning Army installation in Georgia, officials confirmed Wednesday.


The Associated Press (AP) has received the name of the Marine but is withholding on announcing the name until a formal statement is released by military officials regarding the incident.


In a statement to AP, the US Marine Forces Special Operations Command confirmed that the incident is under investigation. Four Defense Department officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, also confirmed to the outlet that the Marine was participating in the Army's Basic Airborne Course, which is part of special operations training in the Marine Corps.


More details to follow.

Anonymous ID: a591d3 June 17, 2020, 2:56 p.m. No.9649622   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Actor Daniel Masterson, Known For Roles On Netflix, “That ’70s Show,” Charged With Raping 3 Women


Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey announced today that actor Daniel Masterson has been charged with forcibly raping three women in separate incidents occurring between 2001 and 2003.


Masterson, 44, was charged with three counts of “rape by force or fear.” The case was filed for warrant yesterday.


Masterson is accused of raping a 23-year-old woman between January and December 2001, according to the complaint.


In April 2003, Masterson allegedly raped a 28-year-old woman and sometime between October and December of that year he is accused of raping a 23-year-old woman who he had invited to his Hollywood Hills home.


Deputy District Attorney Reinhold Mueller of the Sex Crimes Division, who is prosecuting the case, said all of the alleged crimes occurred at Masterson’s home.


If convicted as charged, Masterson faces a possible maximum sentence of 45 years to life in state prison.


Additionally, the District Attorney’s Office declined to file sexual assault charges against Masterson in two other cases, one for insufficient evidence and the other based upon the statute of limitations for the crime alleged.


The case remains under investigation by Los Angeles Police Department’s Robbery-Homicide Division.