Anonymous ID: da30c4 June 17, 2020, 2:33 p.m. No.9649380   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you have to ask, you're too far gone. Only way back is to sit on the garage floor and smash your testicles a few times with a rubber mallet. That may jog your memory.

Anonymous ID: da30c4 June 17, 2020, 2:35 p.m. No.9649401   🗄️.is 🔗kun


UK anon 'ere.

Gonna upset some o' me US mate-anons 'ere but it's time ter speak out, i'n it? I'm sick o' Potus and 'annity and uvvers tellin' ust 'at the chuffin' US bobbies are best in the world, ditto US intelligence services, and FBI and military and justice and evryfink US. I'll make us all a nice cup a' tea. It's just not true.


US justice is crap - plea bargainin' 'as ensured that. As for US bobbies, I prefer UK bobbies. Me brother who became a US citizen after 15 years told mre that the difference between US and UK bobbies is that the bleedin' UK bobbies address the chuffin' citizen as sir and the bleedin' US citizen addresses the bleedin' bobby as sir. Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna. Says it all afaic. Right. Fact is, the bloomin' US is NOT the bleedin' best at evryfink and I'm bloody well copping a bit fed up wiv the constant claims that it is. Not wantin' every US citizen ter go on a guilt trip about finkbuggers that 'appened a few centuries ago but would like a more realistic assessment o' current US capabilities. Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you. 'onesty not braggin',in uvver words.

Anonymous ID: da30c4 June 17, 2020, 2:52 p.m. No.9649584   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Maybe you're right. Maybe the writers and animators of some stupid comedy cartoon on Netflix is giving a nod to Q.




Who gives a shit? Why does that warrant sperging about it here, at length, like it's some revelatory new information? What is it accomplishing?


At least when I post it's for my own entertainment. When you post it's because you're a faggot.