Anonymous ID: 8d5140 June 17, 2020, 4:35 p.m. No.9651002   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Playing the Trump Card


It has been a wild ride anons, I was led to Q from a customer I spoke with at work one day who pulled me aside after overhearing a convo I was having and he turned me on to wardrummer and another Patriotic internet guy who led me to Q. This was Dec 2017 and i had some catching up to do reviewing Qs first 400 drops.


Bringing us to the present i share frustrations that I hear from others about our Plan. Sometime, actually most of the time it seems we are backed into a corner and are barely fighting out alive.


They were out to get Potus from 2016 or earlier, no doubt they had a file on him and needed moar leverage quick when he was looking strong in his bid to gain the Republican nomination. They did the same to Cruz as Q has advised and that is a card of disclosure not yet played:


Important to remember.

Page is public.

Remainder are still classified.




Any time It seems were are not winning bigly remember Adm Rogers visit to TT, and that we have it all. I am sure what we have is proof beyond a reasonable doubt that they targeted Potus politically up to and including 187 plans and attempts. Do not forget the Tarmac meeting and that the reporter came public well after Q advised anons of the (miscat), and SS records were released.


I proscribe to theory that Obama pardoned everyone involved before leaving office, Potus and Barr would have evidence of that. that changes the game a bit but was not unexpected.


So why the slow roll if we have it all?


Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive.

Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winning.


Infiltration Instead of Invasion: Delineating the difference between dirty politics and Treason on Potus and attempting an overthrow of our Republic (now and prior to Potus).


Potus gained access to it all, Rogers brought him into a group defending the Republic. Potus is playing his part but this is much bigger than one Mighty man.


On day 1 Potus was dealt a Royal Flush. He could have showed his hand, won the pot and played a new hand, instead he is giving players hope, making them extend credit and mortgage all they have. The opponents have a false sense of confidence because they hide aces up their sleeves.


Why is ANTIFA allowed to operate?

Why hasn't the MB been classified as a terrorist org?

What happens if Soros funded operations get violent and engage in domestic terrorism?

What happens if mayors/ police comms/chiefs do not enforce the law?


He is still raising the stakes, upping the ante and getting people all in, so that when he plays his cards, he wipes everyone out and the GAME is OVER! Arrests for spying and Gov. corruption are pennies in a Trillion dollar Game, he could have grabbed the pennies early or maximized his Trump Cards, we have yet to see his cards, and as Roger Stone said, Trump is a guy you think you have until the very end, you think you have him until the point he wipes you out!