Anonymous ID: cb5fee June 17, 2020, 4:26 p.m. No.9650798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1140

>>9649916 GBI opens probe of Fulton DA Paul Howard over use of nonprofit funds/karma a bitch


I live in GA over 56% of black population, wouldn’t be bad if the blacks didn’t use and abuse the blacks so bad. They are responsible for the poorest education of their own people. Plus any county or city contract is filled with corruption. The whole idea of whites holding black people down, it’s their own leaders. There are a lot of good people in GA and the color of their skin doesn’t matter. It’s the programming and letting of criminals get away with anything they want, elected leaders are the worst.


Vernon Jones is an aberration and a welcome AHA moment, he and others will wake this state up. At least that’s my prayer.


Lance Bottoms is obviously pushing the prosecution of the officer, corrupt as corrupt can be. Posted a lot of digging on her on Saturday and Sunday. She’s pushing this, she was one of the VPs Biden was considering.


I wonder WTF supposed proud black women are groveling before a racist. Remember black people you are a roach to Biden. But I guess that’s what you think of your own. Welcome to bizarro world

Anonymous ID: cb5fee June 17, 2020, 4:31 p.m. No.9650914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1088 >>1089

Report: Federal Prosecutors Consider Criminal Charges Against John Bolton


So be it, I really never like this guy, I don’t care what anyone says


Federal prosecutors are considering filing criminal charges against former Trump National Security Advisor John Bolton if his soon-to-be-released memoir — In the Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir — contains classified information, according to a report.


The Los Angeles Times reports:


The Justice Department is expected to seek a temporary restraining order from a federal judge as soon as Wednesday that would block Bolton and his publisher, Simon & Schuster, from releasing the memoir as planned on June 23, the people said. It is not clear how successful such a legal fight would be. On Wednesday, the Wall Street Journal published a lengthy excerpt of the book. It is also in the hands of journalists who have begun to chronicle its findings in stories.


The Times’ report comes one day after the Department of Justice asked a federal judge to block the publication of Bolton’s upcoming book.


The DOJ’s lawsuit requests that the judge block Bolton from “compromising national security” by releasing his book, which the agency says is “rife with classified information.


“The United States seeks an order requiring defendant to abide by his contractual and fiduciary duties to complete the prepublication review process and not disclose classified information without written authorization, thereby protecting the national security of the United States,” the lawsuit states.


In January, the White House told Bolton’s legal team that a preliminary review of his manuscript showed that it possessed “significant amounts of classified information” that must be removed if it was to be published.


The lawsuit continues: “Simply put, defendant struck a bargain with the United States as a condition of his employment in one of the most sensitive and important national security positions in the United States government and now wants to renege on that bargain by unilaterally deciding that the pre-publication review process is complete and deciding for himself whether classified information should be made public.”


After the White House warning, Bolton submitted the book for review by Ellen Knight, senior director for records access and information security management at the National Security Council. On April 27, she made the judgment that the revised version of the manuscript did not contain classified information, the suit states.


However, on May 2, the NSC’s director for intelligence, Michael Ellis, began an additional review at the request of Robert O’Brien, who succeeded Bolton as national security adviser.


The suit states that O’Brien was “concerned that the manuscript still appeared to contain classified information, in part because the same administration the author served is still in office and the manuscript described sensitive information about ongoing foreign policy issues.”


Ellis completed his initial review on June 9 and the legal adviser to the NSC sent a letter to Bolton’s lawyer stating that “the manuscript still contains classified information, because, among other things, it includes information that he himself classified and designated for declassification only after the lapse of 25 years.”


The suit states that publication of the book including the information cited in Ellis’ review would violate the terms of Bolton’s non-disclosure agreements.

Anonymous ID: cb5fee June 17, 2020, 4:36 p.m. No.9651027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1049 >>1139

NBC News’ Adele-Momoko Fraser Walks Back Touted ‘Collaboration’ with Activist Group on Google Story


Sorry no waking your gloating back bitch. Look at her pic, all love and peace until you want to destroy respectable journalists


this is fucking funny


NBC News reporter Adele-Momoko Fraser claimed Tuesday that she did not “collaborate” with an activist organization — despite initially calling its efforts “collaboration” — on a story about Google banning the libertarian website ZeroHedge from its ad platform and threatening the conservative website The Federalist with the same fate unless it removed its comment section.


Fraser originally reported that both The Federalist and ZeroHedge were barred from Google’s ad platform after NBC News’ “Verification Unit” presented the technology giant with research from a left-wing group, the Center for Countering Digital Hate, which calls on digital advertisers to financially blacklist conservatives websites, including Breitbart News.


However, a Google spokesperson dispelled part of the report. “The Federalist is not currently demonetized. We do have strict publisher policies that govern the content ads can run on, which includes comments on the site. This is a longstanding policy,” said the spokesperson.


The Federalist has temporarily deleted its comment section to remain on Google’s ad platform.


In a Tuesday tweet publicizing her report, Fraser originally wrote: “NEW — from @NBC_VC. Thanks to @SFFakeNews [Stop Funding Fake News] and @CCDHate [Center for Countering Digital Hate] for their hard work and collaboration!”


Hours after the admission, Fraser claimed that she did “not collaborate on the research itself” and accused Google of misstating that The Federalist had been banned from its ad network.


The parsing of this denial — merely that NBC News did not assist with “research” on the targeted news sites — does not answer critics’ charges that Fraser herself may have intended to bring about their financial downfall. Sean Davis, a co-founder of The Federalist, told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that, from his perspective, NBC “partnered with a foreign left-wing group in Europe to go after us and to use Google to go after us.”


Mollie Hemingway, Senior Editor at the Federalist, excoriated Fraser for her denial, satirically paraphrasing the social media post to allege it was merely damage control. “[W]hen I explicitly thanked these shady foreign groups for their ‘hard work and collaboration!’ in a conspiracy I led to silence and punish media organizations I personally oppose, I didn’t realize how poorly it would go for me and so now I’m trying and failing to walk it back,” Hemingway wrote to Fraser.

Anonymous ID: cb5fee June 17, 2020, 4:41 p.m. No.9651112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1139 >>1163

Facebook Will Close Political Advertising ‘Loophole’ Before Election


yep the snake, liar comes out of his hole, this guy is not very smart. I gotta say though, breitbart always chooses the best pictures


Social media giant Facebook has reportedly closed what it considers to be a loophole in its political advertising system ahead of the 2020 U.S. presidential election. When Facebook users post an election ad to the platform, it will now include a “paid for by” label in the same manner as when a campaign pays for the ad to appear on the site.


Reuters reports that social media giant Facebook stated this week that it would attach labels to political ads shared by users detailing who paid for the ads in an attempt to show greater transparency on the platform.


Since 2018, political ads on the platform have had a “paid for by” label attached them, but this label disappeared when users shared the ads on their own newsfeed, which many believe undermined the purpose of the label and allowed “misinformation” to be spread.


Now, all political ads will retain the “paid for by” label regardless of where they’re shared. Sarah Schiff, a Facebook product manager overseeing the change commented: “Previously the thinking here was that these were organic posts, and so these posts did not necessarily need to contain information about ads


Any relation to schitt


Schiff stated that the company considers it important to disclose if a post “was at one point an ad.” State news media outlets received a similar label earlier this month which disclosed the funding of the organizations, but that label also sometimes disappears when a post is shared by a user.


Facebook is now facing demands to do more to combat fake news before the U.S. presidential election on November 3. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden called on Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg last week to reverse the firm’s decision to exempt political ads from fact-checking.


Zuckerberg stated in a recent USA Today op-ed that Facebook will display a Voting Information Center at the top of U.S. users’ news feeds. The firm will also be aiming to help 4 million people register to vote, doubling its goal for the 2016 election.