Anonymous ID: 70256e June 17, 2020, 5:11 p.m. No.9651599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1700 >>1880

Dirty Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard Is Under Investigation for Funneling $140,000 in Atlanta Funds to Supplement His Salary


Fulton County District Attorney Paul L. Howard, Jr. announced charges on Wednesday afternoon in the death of Rayshard Brooks last weekend at a Wendy’s restaurant in Atlanta.


Brooks was killed by police after resisting arrest, wrestling with the police, punching one officer in the face, stealing the officer’s taser and then firing on the officers.


DA Howard, Jr. says officials spoke to three witnesses and reviewed eight videos of the attempted arrest and shooting.


Eleven charges were announced including felony murder by the officer involved in the shooting of Shard


And then he added this: Rayshard Brooks was never notified he was under arrest(?) Brooks.


DA Howard charged the officer who shot Brooks with felony murder and other charges.


But DA Paul Howard is not without scandal.

The Fulton County District Attorney is under investigation for funneling at least $140,000 in Atlanta funds to supplement his own salary.


The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported in May:


The GBI has opened an investigation of Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard and his use of a nonprofit to funnel at least $140,000 in city of Atlanta funds to supplement his salary, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Channel 2 Action News have learned.


The criminal investigation comes at a time when Howard, Fulton’s DA since 1997, is being challenged in the Democratic primary for reelection and is facing allegations of sexual harassment, which he strongly denies.


In a statement issued Monday, Howard predicted he will be cleared of any wrongdoing.


“This is not the first time what would be considered as an administrative matter for other Georgia elected officials is turned over to the GBI for investigation when it involves the Fulton County district attorney,” he said. This was in reference to the agency’s 2014 investigation of Howard’s use of money forfeited by criminals to pay for galas and dinners for his staff and their families.


In that GBI probe, prompted by media reports, “I was totally exonerated,” Howard said. As for the ongoing investigation, he said, “(I)f the facts are followed, it is my expectation that the result will be exactly the same.”


Howard said the timing of this investigation, weeks away from the June 9 primary, “is not lost on me.”


Howard is also facing a state ethics complaint for not disclosing he was a chief executive of the nonprofit, People Partnering for Progress, in personal financial statements. On April 15, the Georgia Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission charged Howard with a dozen disclosure violations, most of them involving PPP.


Paul Howard is NO FAN of the police.

Howard is in a runoff with Fani Willis in the race for Fulton County district attorney. Howard has labeled Willis a friend of police and a Republican.

Anonymous ID: 70256e June 17, 2020, 5:12 p.m. No.9651613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Endless propaganda' — Ted Cruz slams Sesame Street for virtue signaling tweet


The tweet unabashedly supported the LGBT agenda


Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas summed up the feeling of many when he criticized a tweet from the official account of the children's show "Sesame Street" as propaganda.


"Endless propaganda. This is a taxpayer-funded show targeted at Pre-K children," Cruz tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 70256e June 17, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.9651635   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tom Cotton Says "Low-Level Twitter Employee" Tried To Bully Him Into Deleting Tweet


Shortly before Senator Tom Cotton publicly backed a Senate GOP bill that would make the liability shield enjoyed by social media companies contingent on a pledge not to suppress political speech, he shared an experience with the staff of Twitter, who tried to intimidate the senator into deleting several of his tweets.


Cotton caused a near-mutiny inside the New York Times, causing the newspaper to take a major reputational hit, after kowtowing to a mob of 'woke' journalists-activists (apparently a large faction among the NYT's reporters, many of whom claimed that the paper "put black reporters in danger" by publishing Cotton's editorial, not exactly the view of an "objective" journalist).


On Wednesday, as the debate over Silicon Valley censorship raged, Cotton published an editorial on Fox News' website, and later appeared on TV to share the story again. In it, he shared how "a low-level employee in Twitter’s Washington office" nitpicked the language in one of his tweets - just like they recently did with President Trump's use of the phrase 'when the looting starts, the shooting starts', which the left claims has a 'secret racist history', Cotton used the phrase "no quarter", a common English-language idiom - and threatened to permanently suspend his account if he didn't delete the tweet. They allegedly gave him 30 minutes to comply.


Like Trump, Cotton clearly intended the phrase to reflect the common idiomatic usage (Trump, on the other hand, perhaps went a little overboard with his trademark bluster, but we doubt he was aware of the term's "historical significance", as WaPo once put it).


Still,threatened one of the senator's aides that Cotton had to delete the tweet within 30 minutes or have his account suspended.

Anonymous ID: 70256e June 17, 2020, 5:15 p.m. No.9651646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1700 >>1880

Death of Arizona Man from Chloroquine Ruled an Accident


Maricopa Country medical examiner says Gary Lenius's death was accidental


The death of an Arizona man who ingested a lethal dose of fish tank treatment in March has been ruled an accidental overdose by the county medical examiner’s office, according to a copy of the report obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.


Gary Lenius, 68, passed away on March 22, after he and his wife drank a fish tank additive that contained the drug chloroquine. The story drew national attention after the man’s wife, Wanda Lenius, said she and her husband ingested the substance because President Trump had praised chloroquine as a promising treatment for coronavirus. She subsequently told the Free Beacon that she had added a teaspoon of non-medicinal chloroquine powder, which is used to treat parasites in fish tanks, into glasses of soda that she and her husband drank.


The Mesa Police Department’s homicide unit has been investigating Lenius’s death since March. Detective Teresa Van Galder, who is handling the case, said the investigation is ongoing, but she does not expect that her findings will differ from the medical examiner’s office.


"I am still waiting on some other things to return prior to the investigation being officially completed," Van Galder told the Free Beacon. "Unless I come across something I do not already have, I do not foresee the finding of the OME changing." The Free Beacon reported that homicide detectives were investigating Lenius's death after Val Galder requested a recording of the Free Beacon‘s interview with Wanda Lenius.


In the wake of Gary Lenius's death, friends told the Free Beacon that they found it difficult to imagine the retired mechanical engineer ingesting the toxic chemical of his own volition. They also described a rocky relationship between Lenius and his wife, who was charged with domestic domestic assault decades ago but found not guilty. The Free Beacon also reported that Wanda Lenius had been a donor to Democratic causes.


Dr. William T. Stano III, a pathologist at the Maricopa County Office of the Medical Examiner, found that Lenius died from "ingestion of a non-prescription chloroquine phosphate as prophylaxis against COVID-19 infection," according to his June 10, 2020 report. He listed the manner of death as "accident."


"Upon emergency personnel arrival to [the Lenius's] residence, the decedent had an altered level of consciousness and was subsequently transported to a local medical center where he was pronounced dead in the emergency department (ED) shortly after arrival," wrote Stano.


"Based on the autopsy findings and all other investigative information, including medical records, received to date and as available to me, it is my opinion that the decedent died of an acute drug toxicity involving chloroquine," wrote Stano. "It is further my opinion that the manner of death is accident."


"As with all death investigations, opinions expressed herein are amenable to change should new, reliable, and pertinent information come to light," the report continued.


Lenius’s toxicology tests showed he had 17,000 nanograms per milliliter of chloroquine in his blood at the time of his death, indicating that he had ingested around 20 times the typical treatment dose.

Anonymous ID: 70256e June 17, 2020, 5:17 p.m. No.9651679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1857

Prof says university ‘inclusion and diversity’ efforts are a ‘smokescreen’ that harm black students


In a recent interview, a university of Buffalo professor said that university “inclusion and diversity have been ways to hide the racial problems in America,” and in fact end up hurting black students.

The professor told Campus Reform that university diversity offices “rarely mention race and never champion the cause of African Americans.”


Amid nationwide calls for more diversity initiatives at universities, one professor argues that these types of programs fail to address the real issues and ultimately harm minority students.


In a recent interview, Henry Louis Taylor Jr., professor of urban and regional planning at the University of Buffalo, said the focus on “inclusion and diversity” on college campuses has been an excuse to avoid any actual confrontation of race issues. Taylor says that the primary issue of the century is race, and argues that society needs to bring more attention to how different organizations handle issues of race and racism.

“The hard reality is Inclusion and diversity had made discussions of racism and anti-racism harder."


He says this should be done by bringing these topics to the forefront.


[RELATED: Study shows diversity heads don't actually help diversity]


According to Taylor, universities have “replaced conversations around race with conversations around inclusion and diversity, which shifts the conversation and issue away so that we don’t have to deal with all of those complex issues that are related to grappling and dealing with race."


Taylor claims that the move toward “inclusion and diversity” at universities “has been nothing more than a smokescreen to marginalize the discussions of race and, in particular, the issues facing African Americans."


“There are these predominantly white science departments and medical centers that years later still have no or very few black folks or Puerto Ricans,” said Taylor. “And this is one of the reasons the anger is so deep." Taylor states that as a result of the current situations, people are having their voices be heard by bodies of government. The spread of the coronavirus and the recent protests have us “caught in this kind of purgatory” by showing all “people across the racial divide…the commonalities of pain and misery."

Anonymous ID: 70256e June 17, 2020, 5:23 p.m. No.9651769   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Who needs ‘Russian hackers’? Report reveals CIA incompetence to blame for Vault 7 breach


An internal CIA report about the Vault 7 fiasco paints a damning picture of the main US spy agency. WikiLeaks released the CIA’s hacking tools, likely leaked by an insider, while CIA chiefs were too busy cooking up Russiagate.


Vault 7 was the name given to cyber attack tools developed by the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence (CCI), and published by WikiLeaks in March 2017. It was the largest data breach in Langley’s history, with long-lasting consequences. For example, Chinese cybersecurity companies recently used Vault 7 evidence to show that the US has been hacking China for over a decade.


According to a just-released internal CIA report, “CCI had prioritized building cyber weapons at the expense of securing their own systems. Day-to-day security practices had become woefully lax.”


“Most of our sensitive cyber weapons were not compartmented, users shared systems administrator-level passwords, there were no effective removable media controls, and historical data was available to users indefinitely,” the report goes on to say.


The heavily-redacted document actually dates back to October 2017 and was only made public Tuesday by Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon), in an effort to pressure the new Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe into imposing new security measures. While the CIA ineptitude is the obvious takeaway, no one seems to have noticed the real bombshell: the timing of the breach and its implications.


The report says the CIA “did not realize the loss had occurred until a year later, when WikiLeaks publicly announced it in March 2017.” Now, what all was happening between March 2016 and a year later? You guessed it: Russiagate!


Even as his own cyber arsenal was getting swiped from under his very nose, CIA chief John Brennan was obsessing about “Russian hackers” of the Democratic National Committee, or Hillary Clinton’s emails, or something – and pushing the bogus ‘Steele Dossier’ alleging Donald Trump’s collusion with Russia, which eventually made it into the infamous ‘Intelligence Community Assessment’ that accused Moscow of meddling in the 2016 US presidential election. ]