Anonymous ID: 0a8719 June 17, 2020, 6:08 p.m. No.9652403   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>who is way above average IQ

Sorry anon, he's too smart to convert!


In all seriousness, I know the type. They are too intelligent to "fall" for one of those crazy conspiracies! Everything's logical; and why not? Everything they are inundated by and surrounded by does, indeed, appear to be logical. Just look at all the experts that your high-IQ friend has aligned himself with. Surely you cannot argue with them, right?


Good luck, anon. Fighting the same battle with a few of those. They really are high-IQ, and they are entrenched in the crazy. The matrix wouldn't be effective if it didn't actually work, right? It's not like anyone we know can disrupt that matrix, or expose the real truth for all to hear, anything like that. Nah. However, you certainly cannot expect to convert everyone. Sometimes, you just gotta let the politics go, and continue to be friends based on your other shared interests, and let the politicking go.