Anonymous ID: 336956 June 17, 2020, 6:06 p.m. No.9652377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2426 >>2545 >>2655 >>2669



DIGGS on Stephen Baca, New Mexico Shooter


I did a deep dive on this guy today and my conclusion is that he is no "hero" for TRUMP, for self-defense, or for 2nd amendment rights. Yes, the mob was out to get him and yes, it appears that the guy who was shot pulled a knife, but this was only after the asshole Baca entered the crowd not once, but three times, and each time assaulting a female with escalating violence. Despite media reports, Baca was not part of the militia, so he was acting as a "lone" provocateur. Moreover, the first two times that he was ejected from the crowd, he called someone, as if he were getting instructions. Also after he shot the one guy, he plops down on the ground and immediately calls someone. When the police arrive, he tells them that his father is with BCSO sheriff's office, even though they make an official statement that his father retired in 2001! The Police report says that he was working as “a freelance process server and skip tracer,” which I would assume means that he has ties to the local justice system. Interestingly, the DOJ has just awarded a $1.4M grant to BCSO to combat violent crime under the federal program "Operation Relentless Pursuit" which includes an increase in federal agents to the seven cities along with a financial commitment of up to $71 million in federal grant funding to hire new officers, pay overtime and benefits, finance federally deputized task force officers, and provide mission-critical equipment and technology. BCSO says it will use the funding for advanced training for task force officers, to purchase equipment to reduce violent crime and to get both marked and unmarked surveillance vehicles."


So, Baca seems fishy to me. Also, in 2016, his gofundme page to go to the GOP as a delegate indicated that he was NOT a Trump supporter. Also, someone should dig on Scott Williams the guy who was shot. His friend of 10 years, Marsia Demarco, who was present for the shooting has ties to local MEDIA.