Anonymous ID: 48f17d June 17, 2020, 5:47 p.m. No.9652068   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2089 >>2426 >>2669

The Enemy Within: A Story of the Purge of American Intelligence


Listen to this lady, even if her last name is Chung and she is Canadian.


This is an extremely important piece describing the competing factions of CIA and NSC in the early days after WWII, and how American Intelligence was split over loyalties to Roosevelt doctrine and Churchill doctrine.


It may be the biggest light-bulb moment for me since Q started, because it reveals the foundation of the [DS] as it manifests in US government, via Kissinger's ultimate control over policy. Gets into the founding of the CFR and the Trilateral commission, and explains why it is always the British who seem to be pulling the strings of our policies.


Here's a small excerpt:


"NSC-68 would be drafted the same year, declaring that the U.S. was in the moral equivalent of war with the Soviet Union and called for a massive military buildup to be completed by 1954 dubbed the “year of maximum danger”, the year JIC-502 claimed the Soviets would achieve military superiority and be able to launch war against the U.S. This proposed military buildup would increase the defense budget from $10 billion to $40 billion from 1950-53.


During this same period another security doctrine was drafted, titled “NSC-75: A Report to the NSC by the Executive Secretary on British Military Commitments”. The report concluded that if the British Empire collapsed, and Britain could no longer carry out these deployments, in defending the “free world” against the Soviets, the U.S. would not be able to carry out its current foreign policy, including NSC-68.


It was thus concluded in the report that it would be more cost-effective to aid Britain in saving its Empire!


If you were ever wondering why the CIA was constantly found paired with British Intelligence, starting from its very inception, in a series of coups in countries they had no reason to be in, now you know why.


The U.S. had gone from an explicit mission to end imperialism worldwide under Roosevelt, to actively supporting and upholding British colonies and vassal states under Truman!


This was all done under the pretence of protecting the “free world” from the evil boogeymen Soviets, whom Churchill decided to be labelled such in his Iron Curtain Speech. And thus, the interests of the British Empire were safeguarded by an abiding American stooge, as long as the narrative that all Russians were villains was believed."

Anonymous ID: 48f17d June 17, 2020, 6:04 p.m. No.9652331   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Just wanna ask why the fuck anons are so obsessed with the riots. Obvious psyop, and everyone here knows it, so….


We should be trying to expose the money, corruption, and individuals BEHIND the riots. Right? Bringing knowledge and awakening to the masses?