Anonymous ID: 8652a9 June 17, 2020, 5:40 p.m. No.9651994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2006 >>2062 >>2098 >>2135 >>2210

Do you guys not pay attention? Where are all the OG Q followers?

2 things I noticed just today (which are may or may not be related to each other, just happened to be where my thoughts led me today) – SEE PICS and try to keep up.


  1. Post 95. What happened in SA will happen here. What happened in SA? Martial law declared. High level officials arrested. This was the key Q post which most of us believed meant there would be a mass arrest event.


What does this mean? Well, Trump has yet to act against all the events which have taken place this year thus far. Riots (like Q mentioned early on and then reposted a few days ago) were planned and did happen. Antifa took over the "CHAZ". What I've been asking myself lately is; why hasn't Trump sent in the Marines/National Guard to reclaim the US land? Antifa declaring a block or whatever as non-US territory means they essentially conquered a US block of land. That's an act of war against the US. So now we have a [declared] terrorist organization committing an act of war against the US. In the middle of a pandemic, no less. Where is Trump's response?


Which brings me to my second point:

  1. Post 4462. Only when good people [collectively] come together will positive change occur. Have we come together collectively? No, definitely not. That would be the "Great Awakening" we are waiting for, which Q says WILL happen at some point (another early Q post, I did not take the time to look that one up). He's basically telling us STRAIGHT UP: IF WE WANT CHANGE WE NEED TO MAKE THE CHANGE. NO ONE WILL DO IT FOR US. << READ AGAIN AND DIGEST.


So what's my point? I've got two main points. What we see unfolding in front of us right now up to this point is Act I. It's most likely going to get much, much worse. How do I know? Because of Post 95. Things in the US have to get so bad to meet the criteria for Trump to declare martial law and arrest high level officials. Maybe Durham will start that ball rolling. Maybe not. Who knows. It seems there's a growing uptick in [their] events (Pandemic, riots, etc). What's next? I don't know. But I'll leave you with this thought before I go:


If a bunch of gang-bangers that take marching orders from Antifa [George Soros, etc.] can take over a block in Seattle (how long have they occupied it now? A few weeks) and not be met by angry US patriot citizens, how do we expect to win this fight? Where are the 3 percenters? The militia? If you live in Seattle and this is your hometown why have you not solved this problem? The police abandoned you. And more importantly, why hasn't Trump done anything about it?


It's just my opinion but if a collective group of patriots tried to take back the Chaz on their own from Antifa, we could judge what side Trump is on by his response.


Just my two cents. Carry on.



P.S. - Tried to keep all that straight in my head while I tried typing it while wifeanon was talking in my ear. Sorry if I rambled. I hope you can follow.